Proposed Planning Act, City of Toronto Act, 2006, and Municipal Act, 2001 Changes (Schedules 4, 9, and 12 of Bill 185 - the proposed Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024)

ERO number
Notice type
Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Notice stage
Decision posted
Comment period
April 10, 2024 - May 10, 2024 (30 days) Closed
Last updated

This consultation was open from:
April 10, 2024
to May 10, 2024

Decision summary

Ontario has made changes to the Planning Act, City of Toronto Act, 2006, and Municipal Act, 2001 through the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (‘Bill 185’).

Decision details

The Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 ('Bill 185') was introduced in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario on April 10, 2024, and received Royal Assent on June 6, 2024.

The Schedule 12 of Bill 185 made various changes to the Planning Act, specifically:

Reduce Parking Minimums

  • Provided that there is no minimum parking requirement for lands, buildings or structures within Protected Major Transit Station Areas and Major Transit Station Areas, noting that:
    • This change does not apply to bicycle parking, and
    • Where parking is provided in a new development, requirements to provide accessible parking spaces under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) apply.

Enhancing Framework for Additional Residential Units (ARUs)

  • Enhanced Minister’s regulation-making authority to remove zoning barriers to building small multi-unit residential. This change could help create additional residential units, such as basement suites, by eliminating barriers including maximum lot coverage and limits on bedrooms allowed per lot​.

Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA)

  • Removed the Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA) tool from the Planning Act by repealing s. 34.1 of the Act to avoid unnecessary duplication with a revised and transparent process for requesting and issuing minister’s zoning orders.
  • Provided transition rules to permit CIHA orders that have been made prior to the passage of Bill 185 to continue functioning as municipal zoning by-laws.

 “Use It or Lose It” Tools

  • Stalled developments can limit a municipality’s progress in meeting provincial housing targets. For example, seven municipalities have reported that 70,000 units have remained inactive for at least two years. Ontario has made changes to create a new “use it or lose it” tool to enhance and expand a municipality’s ability to address this obstacle and to support the efficient allocation of housing-enabling infrastructure.
  • Changes:
    • Create a new municipal servicing management tool which explicitly authorizes municipalities to adopt policies by by-law (where they do not already exist) to formalize how water and sewage servicing of an approved development is managed to enable servicing capacity to be allocated / reallocated to other projects if the approved development has not proceeded after a specified timeline and the servicing is needed elsewhere in the service area.
      • Should municipalities adopt such a by-law, the by-law is not appealable to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
    • Created Minister’s regulation-making authority to enable the Minister to provide exemptions for individual or classes of approved developments.
    • Enhanced lapsing authority for approvals of draft plans of subdivision/condominiums and site plan to facilitate the efficient use of housing-enabling infrastructure and accelerate housing development.
    • Specifically:
      • For subdivision / condominium approvals:
        • Require approval authorities to impose a lapsing condition for all draft subdivision/ condominium approvals; and,
        • Created Minister’s regulation-making authority to set timelines for lapsing provisions and establish exemptions from lapsing provisions.  
      • For site plan control approvals:
        • Enabled a municipal “authorized person” to apply a lapsing condition when approving a new site plan control application​.
        • Created Minister’s regulation-making authority to set timelines for lapsing provisions and establish exemptions from lapsing provisions. 

Third Party Appeals

  • Limited appeal rights for official plans, official plan amendments, zoning by-laws, and zoning by-law amendments to help communities get quicker planning approvals for housing projects, reduce building costs, and in some cases reduce project delays by up to 18 months while continuing to ensure that appeal rights are maintained for:
    • Landowners (if the official plan/zoning by-law matter applies to the lands),
    • Landowners and operators of facilities that are subject to an Environmental Compliance Approval under section 9 of the Environmental Protection Act (air, noise, vibrations) and/or are registered on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry for air emissions AND are within an “area of employment” AND are within 300 metres of the land subject to the planning matter,
    • Landowners and facility operators who hold an Aggregate Resources Act license or permit for sites within 300 metres of the land subject to the planning matter,
    • NAV Canada and, within specified areas, certain owners or operators of an airport as defined in subsection 3 (1) of the Aeronautics Act (Canada),
    • Public hospitals.

Fee Refund Provisions

  • Removed the fee refund provisions from the Planning Act and City of Toronto Act, 2006 for zoning by-law amendment and site plan control applications to speed up local decisions that support more housing.

Municipal Pre-Application Process

  • Made pre-application consultation voluntary at the discretion of the applicant.
  • Allowed an applicant to challenge complete application requirements to the Ontario Land Tribunal at any time, rather than only having a time-limited window once a municipality rejects an application as not being “complete.”

Settlement Area Boundary Expansions

  • Allowed applicants to appeal a municipality’s refusal or failure to make a decision on a privately requested official plan or zoning by-law amendment that would change the boundary of an "area of settlement,“ outside of the Greenbelt Area. 

Facilitating Standardized Housing Designs

  • Created regulation-making authority that enables: 
    • The establishment of criteria to facilitate planning approvals for standardized housing. These changes only apply on certain specified urban residential lands with full municipal servicing outside of the Greenbelt Area.
    • The identification of elements of the Planning Act and / or City of Toronto Act, 2006 that can be overridden and / or certain planning barriers that could be removed if the criteria are met.

 Upper-Tier Planning Responsibilities

  • Provided flexibility for bringing the changes to remove planning responsibilities from specified upper-tier municipalities into force separately.
  • Identified July 1, 2024, as the effective date of the upper-tier planning changes for Peel Region, Halton Region and York Region.
    • The upper-tier planning changes for the remaining four municipalities (i.e., Waterloo, Durham and Niagara Regions, and Simcoe County) will come into force at a later date(s), upon proclamation.

Expedited Approval Process for Community Service Facility Projects

  • Created regulation-making authority to enable a streamlined approvals pathway for prescribed class(es) of “community service facility” projects (e.g. public K-12 schools, hospitals and long-term care facilities) that support the creation of complete communities outside of the Greenbelt Area.

Exempt Universities from the Planning Act

  • Exempted publicly-assisted universities from the Planning Act and planning provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006.

City of Toronto Act, 2006 Amendment

Schedule 4 of Bill 185 also made amendments to the City of Toronto Act, 2006 related to several of the above-noted matters.

Municipal Act, 2001 Amendment

Schedule 9 of Bill 185 also made amendments to the Municipal Act, 2001 to provide that a municipality may, by by-law, adopt a policy providing for the allocation of water supply and sewage capacity.

The legislation provides more detail on all the reforms and can be viewed in the below ‘Supporting materials’ section of this notice.

Comments received

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Effects of consultation

852 total comments were received under this consultation posting. This included 205 comments submitted directly through the ERO prior to the closing of the commenting period on May 10, 2023, 644 comments submitted by email, and 3 comments submitted through physical mediums.

There was a wide range of feedback with many submissions acknowledging Ontario’s housing crisis, and general overall support for the goal of increasing housing supply and making the development process more streamlined. There was both positive feedback as well as concerns expressed regarding the proposed changes under this consultation posting. Many submissions expressed support for certain changes, while also setting out concerns related to other changes.

Commonly referenced areas in the feedback received related to the proposals to: scope third party appeals, amend aspects of the planning application pre-consultation process, introduce “use it or lose it” tools, re-introduce appeal rights with respect to applications for settlement area boundary expansions, and the changes for upper-tier municipalities without planning responsibilities.

Submissions were generally supportive of the proposals to:

  • Provide that there is no minimum parking requirement for lands, buildings or structures within Protected Major Transit Station Areas and Major Transit Station Areas,
  • Enhance Minister’s regulation-making authority to remove other zoning barriers to building small multi-unit residential,
  • Remove the Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA) tool from the Planning Act by repealing s. 34.1 of the Act and establishing a new framework for Minister’s Zoning Orders,
  • Introduce a suite of ‘use it or lose it’ tools,
  • Remove the fee refund provisions from the Planning Act and City of Toronto Act, 2006 for zoning by-law amendment and site plan control applications,
  • Create regulation-making authority to facilitate standardised housing designs,

Generally, submissions were mixed regarding the proposal to:

  • Create regulation-making authority to enable a streamlined approvals pathway for prescribed class(es) of “community service facility” projects.

Generally, submissions expressed a range of concerns related to the proposals to:

  • Limit third-party appeals for official plans, official plan amendments, zoning by-laws, and zoning by-law amendments,
  • Make pre-application consultation voluntary at the discretion of the applicant, and allow an applicant to challenge complete application requirements to the Ontario Land Tribunal at any time,
  • Allow applicants to appeal a municipality’s refusal or failure to make a decision on a privately requested official plan or zoning by-law amendment that would change the boundary of an "area of settlement“, outside of the Greenbelt Area. 
  • The changes to upper-tier municipalities without planning responsibilities, including providing flexibility for bringing the changes to remove planning responsibilities from specified upper-tier municipalities into force separately, and identifying July 1, 2024, as the effective date of the upper-tier planning changes for Peel Region, Halton Region, and York Region,
  • Exempt publicly-assisted universities from the Planning Act and planning provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, including for university-led student housing projects on- and off-campus.

Effects of the Consultation on this Decision

In developing and finalizing the legislation, consideration was given to all comments received, including those received through other related consultations, and comments received through the Standing Committee process.

Through consultation and the Standing Committee processes, the government heard concerns regarding the appeal rights proposal which originally provided removed the ability of most third parties, such as landowners or nearby industry, to appeal official plans, official plan amendments, zoning by-laws, and zoning by-law amendments. This included concerns regarding the ability to appeal sensitive land developments that encroach on existing industrial facilities or airports; there were also concerns that the proposed changes could remove “checks and balances” and “healthy tension” in the planning system, and that restricting third-party appeals of all planning matters could potentially limit new housing.

In response to these concerns, the government brought forward motions to change Bill 185 to maintain appeal rights for:

  • Landowners (if the official plan/zoning by-law matter applies to the lands),
  • Landowners and operators of facilities that are subject to an Environmental Compliance Approval under section 9 of the Environmental Protection Act (air, noise, vibrations) and/or are registered on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry for air emissions AND are within an “area of employment” AND are within 300 metres of the land subject to the planning matter,
  • Landowners and facility operators who hold an Aggregate Resources Act license or permit for a site within 300 metres of the land subject to the planning matter,
  • NAV Canada and, within specified areas, certain owners or operators of an airport as defined in subsection 3 (1) of the Aeronautics Act (Canada),
  • Hospitals.

Through the standing committee process, Bill 185 was also amended to remove the ability for community service facilities that are within the Greenbelt Area in its entirety to be eligible to use a future streamlined planning approvals process.

Supporting materials

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Planning Policy Branch

777 Bay Street
13th floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 2J3

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Original proposal

ERO number
Notice type
Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Proposal posted

Comment period

April 10, 2024 - May 10, 2024 (30 days)

Proposal details

Proposed Planning Act, City of Toronto Act, 2006, and Municipal Act, 2001 changes

Schedule 4, 9, and 12 of Bill 185 proposes a number of amendments to the Planning Act, City of Toronto Act, 2006, and Municipal Act, 2001:

Reduce Parking Minimums

  • Provide that there is no minimum parking requirement for lands, buildings or structures within Protected Major Transit Station Areas and Major Transit Station Areas, noting that:
    • This change would not apply to bicycle parking, and
    • Where parking is provided in a new development, requirements to provide accessible parking spaces under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) would apply.

Enhancing Framework for Additional Residential Units (ARUs)

  • Enhance Minister’s regulation-making authority to remove other zoning barriers to building small multi-unit residential. This could help create additional residential units, such as basement suites, by eliminating barriers including maximum lot coverage and limits on bedrooms allowed per lot​.

Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA)

  • Remove the Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA) tool from the Planning Act by repealing s. 34.1 of the Planning Act to avoid unnecessary duplication with a revised and transparent process for requesting and issuing minister’s zoning orders.
  • Provide transition rules to permit CIHA orders that have been made to date to continue functioning as municipal zoning by-laws.

 “Use It or Lose It” Tools

  • Stalled developments can limit a municipality’s progress in meeting provincial housing targets. For example, seven municipalities have reported that 70,000 units have remained inactive for at least two years. Ontario is proposing a new “use it or lose it” tool to enhance and expand a municipality’s ability to address this obstacle and to support the efficient allocation of housing-enabling infrastructure.

  • Changes would:

    • Create a new municipal servicing management tool which would explicitly authorize municipalities to adopt policies by by-law (where they do not already exist) to formalize how water and sewage servicing of an approved development is managed to enable servicing capacity to be allocated / reallocated to other projects if the approved development has not proceeded after a specified timeline and the servicing is needed elsewhere in the service area.
      • Should municipalities adopt such a by-law, the by-law would not be appealable to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
    • Create a Minister’s regulation-making authority to enable the Minister to provide exemptions for individual or classes of approved developments.
    • Enhance lapsing authority for approvals of draft plans of subdivision/condominiums and site plan to facilitate the efficient use of housing-enabling infrastructure and accelerate housing development.
    • Specifically:
      • For subdivision / condominium approvals:
        • Require approval authorities to impose a lapsing condition for all draft subdivision/ condominium approvals; and,
        • Create Minister’s regulation-making authority to set timelines for lapsing provisions and establish exemptions from lapsing provisions.  
      • For site plan control approvals:
        • Enable a municipal “authorized person” to apply a lapsing condition when approving a new site plan control application​.
        • Create Minister’s regulation-making authority to set timelines for lapsing provisions and establish exemptions from lapsing provisions.  

Third Party Appeals

  • Limit third-party appeals for official plans, official plan amendments, zoning by-laws, and zoning by-law amendments to help communities get quicker planning approvals for housing projects, reduce building costs, and in some cases reduce project delays by up to 18 months.

Fee Refund Provisions

  • Remove the fee refund provisions from the Planning Act and City of Toronto Act, 2006 for zoning by-law amendment and site plan control applications to speed up local decisions that support more housing.

Municipal Pre-Application Process

  • Make pre-application consultation voluntary at the discretion of the applicant.
  • Allow an applicant to challenge complete application requirements to the OLT at any time, rather than only having a time-limited window once a municipality rejects an application as not being “complete”.

Settlement Area Boundary Expansions

  • Allow applicants to appeal a municipality’s refusal or failure to make a decision on a privately requested official plan or zoning by-law amendment that would change the boundary of an "area of settlement“, outside of the Greenbelt Area. 

Facilitating Standardized Housing Designs

  • Create regulation-making authority that would enable: 
    • The establishment of criteria to facilitate planning approvals for standardized housing.
    • The proposed changes would only apply on certain specified lands, of a minimum lot size, such as urban residential lands with full municipal servicing outside of the Greenbelt Area.
    • The identification of elements of the Planning Act and/or City of Toronto Act, 2006 that could be overridden and/or certain planning barriers that could be removed if the criteria are met.

 Upper-Tier Planning Responsibilities

  • Provide flexibility for bringing the changes to remove planning responsibilities from specified upper-tier municipalities into force separately.
  • Identify July 1, 2024 as the effective date of the upper-tier planning changes for Peel Region, Halton Region and York Region.
    • The upper-tier planning changes for the remaining four municipalities (i.e., Waterloo, Durham and Niagara Regions, and Simcoe County) would come into force at a later date(s), upon proclamation. The government intends to move forward with bringing the changes into effect for the remaining upper-tier municipalities by the end of 2024.

Expedited Approval Process for Community Service Facility Projects

  • Create regulation-making authority to enable a streamlined approvals pathway for prescribed class(es) of “community service facility” projects (public schools K-12, hospitals and long-term care facilities) that support the creation of complete communities.

Exempt Universities from the Planning Act

Exempt publicly-assisted universities from the Planning Act and planning provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 for university-led student housing projects on- and off-campus.

Supporting materials

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Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

Planning Policy Branch

777 Bay Street
13th floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 2J3


Commenting is now closed.

This consultation was open from April 10, 2024
to May 10, 2024

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