I think that this proposal…


I think that this proposal strongly needs a full environmental assessment based on the vast number of concerns for this site.

I live in nearby Dawn Mills on Dawn Mills Rd which will most likely see all of the truck traffic that will be associated with this landfill. The most logical route from the GTA (where this waste will come from) to Dresden will be via Highway 401 to Victoria Rd through Thamesville, to Base Line through Wabash, to Dawn Mills Rd through Dawn Mills, to Croton Line, to Irish School Rd at the North end of Dresden (see link #1).

They are asking for approval of 7,000 tonnes of waste per day to be trucked in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This equates to 175-200 trucks per day that are both arriving and departing through the same route, doubling the traffic to 350-400 trucks per day travelling along this route. This works out to be one truck passing by every 3.6-4.1 minutes. They are proposing to also sell and ship the products from recycling and processing materials for beneficial reuse which will add additional traffic as well.

I am very concerned for the increase in heavy truck traffic that this will cause. This increased traffic poses a danger to all local traffic including agricultural machinery, school buses, and the pedestrians of Thamesville, Wabash, Dawn Mills, and Dresden.

There is also the concern of the wear and tear on these roadways. Taxpayers will pick up the bill for the damage that upwards of 125,000 trucks (350 trucks/day for 365 days/year) annually will cause to these roads.

Why does a landfill site need to be established in Dresden for waste from the GTA over 250 km away? What is the environmental impact of this operation? The greenhouse gas emissions from this landfill site and the traffic associated with it will be outstanding. In addition to air pollution, water pollution into nearby waterways will be expected as well, with the site backing onto Molly's Creek which then drains into the Sydenham River. This company has already requested to construct a storm water management system that will specifically drain into Molly's Creek. With a multitude of endangered and threatened species that populate the Sydenham I would have thought that would be enough to stop the development of this project.

My family and I farm in Dawn Mills and we will be directly impacted by this landfill and the increased truck traffic that will come with it. I want to continue to raise my children in an environment that we can be proud of and feel safe in and this proposal directly threatens that. Our quiet, peaceful community will become a noisy, congested expressway of garbage trucks.