The Municipality of Red Lake…

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The Municipality of Red Lake believes that good planning is a vital component to meeting the guidelines/requirements of the Municipal Act; Planning Act etc. Planning is a vital tool in many facets of our organization.

The Municipality of Red Lake has the following plans which each play a role in the success of our organization and community: Community Sustainability Plan (2011); Strategic Plan (2016-2020)- progress report card presented to Council/Public on July 17, 2017; Cultural Plan; Parks & Recreation Master Plan; Emergency Plan; Official Plan (2015); Sewer and Water Plan; Multi-year Accessibility Plan; Comprehensive Review (Growth Analysis); and an Updated Asset Management Plan.

We believe in and are committed to Asset Management Planning, however, we are very concerned with our ability as we exist today, to meet the proposed requirements moving forward with Asset Management Planning/Reporting etc. Our concerns are around resources (people and money). As this process moves forward, we hope the Provincial government gives great consideration to this.



[Original Comment ID: 210183]