As a student in Ontario, I…

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As a student in Ontario, I am personally impacted by the choices made for the province. I’m writing to inform you that I disagree with one of the new changes to the Proposed Amendment 1 to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2017
Sustainability is defined as supporting human life without tarnishing resources for future generations. It can be further defined as economic, environmental, political and social advances made to better the lives of citizens. Climate change is not only an environmental issue, thus this change in phrasing in section 4.2.10 Climate Change of the Proposed Amendment 1 to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2017 undermines and pushes the problem to becoming even more detrimental.
The effects of global warming are creating irreversible damage. According to environmentalists, in 12 years the damage cause will be irreversible. This will deplete resources, causing an overload of demand and little supply. Due to the inconsistent temperatures and overheating, many people will depend on resources more than ever now as essential goods.
One might consider the wording change to be harmless; however messages are most likely to get misinterpreted when wording is not clear and direct. This leaves the government and people of the nation vulnerable to loopholes of this amendment. For example; many corporations may commit fraudulent acts that can be dismissed due to the agreement being indecisive while also attributing to the physical determinants of global warming. Corporate Social Responsibility has been one of the many ways businesses self-regulate and ensure they are seen as ethical so it becomes the government's responsibility to ensure they too are abiding by the rules this country was founded on.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow theorized that in order to fulfil one’s dreams, the most basic needs had to be fulfilled. The bottom tier of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is that of physiological needs. Food, water, and shelter all fall here. When global warming destroys natural resources and leaves places in habitable person will not be able to live and function.
Global warming is not an environmental issue; it is a global issue that needs to be better dealt with by all levels of government. Removing “the Ontario Climate Change Strategy, 2015 and the Climate Change Action Plan, 2016” from the amendment will only increase the problem and continue to suppress its urgency and as we know, time is almost up.