Bad, bad, bad idea! The…

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Bad, bad, bad idea! The greenbelt was created because of urban sprawl and the disappearance of some of the best farmland in Ontario. An since it's creation, we have learned how important it is for the protection of the climate as well. Then there is the two-faced lie we as the public were told before the recent election that the greenbelt would not be touched. Trust in this government has for sure gone done the toilet from its previous swirling around in the bowel before. Also, the optics of this announcement is not good when developers where buying land in the greenbelt as recently as a couple of months prior to the announcement. Sure sounds like there was some insider deals going on! Why would a developer buy in the greenbelt if they were not going to be able to develop it.

And then there are the increased property taxes that the government is going to be downloading because the municipalities will not be in receipt of the same development fees they would have previously received in order to provide services. Bad, bad, bad idea.

What happened to building up rather than building out? That plus the municipalities indicated they have enough space for the next foreseeable future to meet their building requirements.

Standing back and looking at this, the only winners here are the developers. Municipalities lose, the public loses, the climate loses and future generations lose. Tally it up and its Developers - 1, The Rest - -4!