Agricultural land, and the…


Agricultural land, and the many farms that operate upon that land, must be protected in Ontario. The expansion of high density housing into our rural zones comes as the direct result of unopposed federal immigration policies that are ballooning the amount of people seeking habitation to never before volumes. Instead of increasing the population to inflate economic activity, governments should be encouraging the return of industry from China, supporting free enterprise, and funding skilled trades and apprenticeships at the high school level, so as to increase real GDP, that is, real productivity. We cannot afford to lose fertile, productive, farmland in an era in which food security is coming under increasing pressure because of ideologically simple-minded federal government policies that care more about virtue-signalling to the U.N. than they do about the Canadian people. Because our current provincial Conservative government stands "shoulder to shoulder" with the federal Liberal government, I suspect you don't care about the real needs of the people of Ontario. Nevertheless, as a free born citizen of this great province, I want you to know that I do not consent to the wrongful development of prime agricultural land. Without agricultural self-sufficiency, we risk becoming a vassal state to real food producers.