Regulation of Dedicated Protected Areas, identified in the Whitefeather Forest and Adjacent Areas Land Use Strategy (2006) (Whitefeather Strategy), as provincial parks under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act (2006)

ERO number
Notice type
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Notice stage
Decision posted
Comment period
August 31, 2009 - October 15, 2009 (45 days) Closed
Last updated

This consultation was open from:
August 31, 2009
to October 15, 2009

Decision summary

This notice is a duplicate of a notice posted under ERO number 019-0729

Decision details

This notice is a duplicate of a notice posted under ERO number 019-0729.

The proposal for this notice was originally posted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on August 31, 2009

Responsibility for the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 was transferred from the Ministry of Norther Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks in 2018.

As a result of an administrative error, the transfer of this notice did not occur until 2023.

We are closing this notice to advise that the decision of this proposal can be found under 019-0729.

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Effects of consultation

Please see ERO number 019-0729 for details on the effects of consultation.

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Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

Woodland Caribou Provincial Park

227 Howey Street
Red Lake, ON
P0V 2M0

Office phone number

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Joslyn Spurgeon

Ontario Parks - Algonquin Zone

451 Arrowhead Park Road
Huntsville, ON
P1H 2J4

Office phone number

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Original proposal

ERO number
Notice type
Posted by
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Proposal posted

Comment period

August 31, 2009 - October 15, 2009 (45 days)

Proposal details

Description of regulation

In June 2006, Pikangikum First Nation, working in partnership with MNR, completed a community-based land use planning process for the Whitefeather Forest, north of Red Lake in Northwestern Ontario. The Whitefeather Strategy reflects Pikangikum First Nation’s strong vision for economic renewal through resource development and stewardship, based on indigenous knowledge and cultural traditions.

The approved Whitefeather Strategy, identified the establishment of Dedicated Protected Areas which were intended to be regulated. MNR, with the partnership support of Pikangikum First Nation is proposing the regulation of the Dedicated Protected Areas as provincial parks under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act. The establishment of Dedicated Protected Areas which can support compatible economic opportunities has been identified as a desired and compatible land use in the strategy, and Pikangikum First Nation wishes to move forward with MNR on this opportunity. Park classification will be determined through further planning and consultation. Ontario Parks and Pikangikum First Nation will work together to plan and manage these Dedicated Protected Areas using Pikangikum First Nation customary stewardship tradition as a fundamental approach. This approach will incorporate Pikangikum First Nation’s indigenous knowledge with western science, include community consultation and will report on the achievement of the Dedicated Protected Area management direction as set out in the Whitefeather Strategy.

If the proposed regulation proceeds, a subsequent regulation change will be made to Ontario Regulation 663/98 (Area Description) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to allow hunting in the Dedicated Protected Areas consistent with the Whitefeather Strategy. No additional opportunity for public comment on the hunting regulation will be provided. Exceptions to this direction will be determined through management planning.

The planning process that led to the June 2006 release of the Whitefeather Forest and Adjacent Areas Land Use Strategy, considered the environmentally significant natural, social and economic aspects of designating land as protected areas.

Prior to making a decision regarding the regulation of the Dedicated Protected Areas as provincial parks in regulation, MNR and Pikangikum First Nation will consult with potentially affected stakeholders and local Aboriginal communities. The details of this consultation are set out below.

Purpose of regulation

To advise the public of MNR’s proposal to establish, by regulation, the Dedicated Protected Areas as identified in the Whitefeather Forest and Adjacent Areas Land Use Strategy as provincial parks in partnership with Pikangikum First Nation and to seek public comment on that proposal.

Other Information:

Ontario’s provincial parks are established by regulation under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act (2006). Parks protect significant natural, cultural and recreational environments, while providing ample opportunities for visitors to participate in recreational activities.

Establishing provincial park boundaries is also a project under the Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves and interested parties can have their name added to the project mailing list by contacting the individual in this notice.

If the regulation proposal is approved, an administrative amendment will be made to the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas to reflect the final boundary and the designation change from “Dedicated Protected Area” to “Provincial Park”.

Further information on this proposal will be available at the Ontario Parks office in Red Lake, the Whitefeather Forest Management Corporation office on Pikangikum and the Ontario Parks Zone office in Thunder Bay.

The following weblinks provide supporting and additional information about this notice:

Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act

Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act

Whitefeather Forest and Adjacent Areas Land Use Strategy (24 MB PDF)

Other public consultation opportunities

MNR will consult with potentially affected stakeholders, principal representative First Nations in the planning area and local Aboriginal communities on refinement of the boundaries. Direct written notice will be given to local potentially affected stakeholders (such as adjacent landowners, resources users, municipalities, interest groups and organizations) and to provincial interest groups and provincial organizations.

Regulatory impact statement

The anticipated environmental consequences of the proposal are positive. Regulation of the Dedicated Protected Areas as provincial parks completes a commitment identified in the Whitefeather Strategy and gives significantly improved protection of the representative and special features found in this site region.

The anticipated social consequences of the proposal are positive. Orderly planning of the Dedicated Protected Areas as provincial parks in concert with resource management planning for other activities within the Whitefeather Forest will provide a firm base for the economic and social renewal within the First Nation. Recreational hunting will continue until decisions on hunting in specific areas are made during park management planning. Aboriginal and Treaty rights will continue to be respected.

The anticipated economic consequences of the proposal are positive. Economic opportunities consistent with goals and objectives of the Dedicated Protected Areas will be identified and developed through an open planning process. Marketing opportunities for these areas once regulated as provincial parks will be enhanced through a marketing partnership between Whitefeather Forest Management Corporation and MNR (Ontario Parks).

Supporting materials

View materials in person

Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

Woodland Caribou Provincial Park

227 Howey Street
Red Lake, ON
P0V 2M0

Office phone number


Commenting is now closed.

This consultation was open from August 31, 2009
to October 15, 2009

Connect with us


Joslyn Spurgeon

Ontario Parks - Algonquin Zone

451 Arrowhead Park Road
Huntsville, ON
P1H 2J4

Office phone number