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If your priority is to protect how efficiently companies can conduct their business, you don't care for what actually makes this country beautiful- you don't care for most of it's citizens, and you don't care for the land itself, or the animals who call it home. Cruel and short-sighted both.

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Hello, I am a young citizen of Canada with a small concern regarding one of the proposed provisions written in the Review, particularly "Significant social or economic benefit permit, s. 17(2)(d): A significant social or economic Read more

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I submitted comments earlier today and, blame it on age, I referred to the Species at Risk Act rather than The Ontario Endangered Species Act. My comments are valid and applicable to both pieces of legislation. I apologize for my error and hope my comments still will be considered. Read more

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Area of Focus 1: Landscape Approaches 1. Move forward with a permanent section 55(1)(b) regulatory exemption to the forest sector to continue enabling landscape approaches currently being delivered under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act (CFSA). Read more

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Any changes should strengthen protections. Clearly defined zones to protect wildlife make it clear to business that development will NOT be permitted in certain areas. Protections are needed that lead to recovery of at risk species.

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The Ontario Horticultural Association is very much in favour of protecting our environment. We are aware of species of plants, insects and animals that are at risk, as there are places in Ontario where some of these are no longer found. Read more

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It is crucial that we protect Ontario's endangered species because each one is vital to the delicate balance of our ecosystem, and to our wellbeing as humans. Most of these are endangered due to human activity, and so it is our responsibility to protect them. Read more

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The wording in this discussion paper paper makes it clear that what is really at stake is weakening the Endangered Species Act and streamlining development. This is unacceptable. The Act has already been weakened through previous amendments that never should have happened. Read more