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•Bear cubs will continue to be orphaned if the hunt becomes permanent. While it’s currently against the law to kill cubs and mother bears accompanied by cubs, mother bears often leave their cubs in trees when searching for food. Read more

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How dare you take away Canadian opportunities and allow Outfitters to monopoly the non-resident tag and all the linked revenue. How is it that you can't see that bringing in friends and family reduces our, not yours, OUR overall costs associated with a bear hunt.

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I'd like to register my opposition to the spring bear hunt in Ontario, in both its current and proposed forms. There is no justification for trophy hunting, or the ancillary businesses that enable many of these hunters and depend on them. Read more

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The spring bear hunt is a complete unnecessary slaughter of our beautiful and needed wildlife. Let's not become a carbon copy of Trump's government for total disregard of life and the environment. Bear cubs will continue to be orphaned if the hunt becomes permanent. Read more

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it is a human disgrace that thid kind of thing ..that a hunt is even thought of..who do we think we are the only species on this planet..they have a right to live as much as we do.. and serial killing as a sport is hon human..just because we have guns does not mean we have to kill something..... Read more

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Bear hunt is unnecessary and irresponsible! -Bear population in Bruce Peninsula area is not great enough to warrant a hunt. -Get rid of human garbage, campfires, etc., and bears won't be attracted and humans won't feel threatened. -Babies are marooned without mothers. Read more

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I am very opposed to the spring bear hunt. PLEASE RECONSIDER and STOP KILLING OUR WILDLIFE! There is already a fall bear hunt, & there really is no reason to reintroduce the spring hunt, just when mothers are caring for their offspring. Read more

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I am in favour of all the recommended changes. I have seen the problems caused by the absence of a spring bear hunt and am encouraged that the pilot project will become permanent. Changes regarding the required use of outfitters and licenced guides is probably a good idea for non-residents. Read more