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Hunting black bears [spring or fall] is barbaric! Cowardly hunters hide in trees until a bear comes looking for bait - there is no possible way to differentiate a male from a female. Orphaned cubs will not survive in the wild, as the mother bear cares for them for at least a year. Read more

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I strongly disagree with the proposal to implement a regular spring black bear season. I also strongly disagree with the updates to black bear regulations to improve fairness. I don’t agree that guiding companies should be given any further advantages.

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People of Ontario rejected spring hunt two decades ago. The so-called trials serve only to appease minority of hunters. This proposal must be rejected for following reasons: *All bears in spring are vulnerable, and easy targets, after hibernation and weight loss Read more

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The new proposal for hunting bears in 82,83,and 84 has not been thought through very well in my eyes. Im not sure where you gather your info for the population but I have been hunting the Pennisula for 15 years and many years the bears are hardly out of their dens hitting baits by the 7th of May. Read more

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Before re-instating the spring bear hunt in Ontario, how about considering the sustainability of this proposal. This is 2020 and the killing of animals for an individual's fun is no longer seen as sporting, rather it is more akin to being pretty selfish. Read more

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Your rulings in this matter are very important, not only for bear survival but for the integrity of the ecosystem of which they are a part, particularly now with the effects of climate change. Ecologists sometimes refer to bears as “ecosystem architects” or “ecosystem engineers.” Read more