Management Plan for the Spanish River Valley Miniteqozibe Signature Site

ERO number
Notice type
Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Notice stage
Decision posted
Comment period
August 18, 2004 - October 4, 2004 (47 days) Closed
Last updated

This consultation was open from:
August 18, 2004
to October 4, 2004

Decision summary

We have not made a decision on the proposal. To keep the Environmental Registry current, we are closing this posting.

Decision details

This project is still active. We will post a new notice on the Environmental Registry of Ontario at the next stage of the project with a link to this posting.

Responsibility for this project has transferred from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

This notice was originally posted on the old Environmental Registry under number PB02E6017.

Comments received

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Effects of consultation

We will consider all comments that we have received during the development of the next stage of this project.

Supporting materials

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Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

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Joslyn Spurgeon

Ontario Parks - Algonquin Zone

451 Arrowhead Park Road
Huntsville, ON
P1H 2J4

Office phone number

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Original proposal

ERO number
Notice type
Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006
Posted by
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Proposal posted

Comment period

August 18, 2004 - October 4, 2004 (47 days)

Proposal details


Description of policy

The Spanish River Valley is one of nine 'featured areas' within the Ontario's Living Legacy Land Use Strategy, which was released in 1999. The Signature Site, situated approximately 80km northwest of Sudbury and 100km southeast of Chapleau, stretches from the headwaters of Biscotasi Lake in the north, includes the East and West branches of the Spanish River and the main branch south to Agnew Lake.

The Signature Site encompasses almost 100,000 hectares and is comprised of two Provincial Parks and three Enhanced Management Areas (EMAs). These components are: Spanish River Waterway Class Provincial Park and Biscotasi Lake Natural Environment Class Provincial Park, as well as the Sinaminda and Kennedy Lake Area EMA, the Acheson Lake EMA, and the Ishpodnok (Swann Lake) EMA.

The scenic Spanish River Valley is comprised of diverse landscapes: rugged granite ridges, forest and wetland communities, with navigable rivers and lakes. The area exhibits a variety of significant natural, cultural and recreational features which include a diversity of plant and animal species, old growth red and white pine forest, and a unique travel corridor that spans time and purpose. The Spanish River is renowned for its exhilarating canoe route and unique rail access, while Biscotasi Lake offers camping, fishing and wildlife viewing. The focus of the EMAs is remote recreational opportunities within the context of traditional resource harvest activities. While there are some road-accessible areas within the Signature Site, the area is predominantly remote with limited development.

The Spanish River Valley Minitegozibe Signature Site Management Plan is being prepared to guide the protection and management of resources, visitor use, and overall development within the signature site, as well as address potential impacts related to adjoining Crown land. Within the Signature Site management plan, the requirements for park planning will be met. The plan is dynamic, looking forward for a 20-year period. An approved Interim Management Statement for the regulated parks (October 2001) currently provides direction for management of the parks until a park management plan is prepared.

An approved Terms of Reference has been prepared to guide this process. It is available to view at the website given below, and from the addresses given in this notice. It is expected that the planning process will be completed by fiscal year 2007/8.

Purpose of policy

To prepare the Spanish River Valley Minitegozibe Signature Site Management Plan, which promotes tourism and recreation development opportunities while ensuring the protection and enhancement of the valley ecosystems and significant features.

Other information

This Notice of Proposal is for the Review of the Preliminary Plan, which is the fourth of five stages in the management planning process. Previously, a Terms of Reference was prepared during the first stage to guide this planning process. The signature site's setting, natural heritage features and existing uses, is summarized in the Background Information, or second stage. The Management Options document provided an opportunity for public and aboriginal comment on options pertaining to the water crossings, zoning, etc.

The existing water crossings, for forestry operations, on the East and West Branches of the Spanish River were reviewed during the development of the Spanish River Valley Minitegozibe Signature Site Management Plan. As stated in Ontario's Living Legacy Land Use Strategy (1999), the Spanish River Special Area Plan (1990) will guide management activities for the portion of provincial park that applies to the Special Area Plan, including road access and river crossings, until a provincial park management plan is approved. Once approved, the Spanish River Valley Minitegozibe Signature Site Management Plan will replace the Special Area Plan as policy. Several options were presented in the Management Options document pertaining to the future management of the two water crossings, and opportunities are available during this planning process to provide input on the preferred approach.

The public is invited to review the Preliminary Management Plan, and to identify any items that they feel should be considered in the planning process. Comments may be submitted to the Contact Person in this notice.

An additional viewing location is:

Robinson Place Lobby
300 Water St.
Peterborough Ontario
K9J 8M5
Phone: (705) 755-4427

Other public consultation opportunities

Aboriginal communities and organizations, resource users (tourist operators, anglers and hunters, forest industry, mining industry, etc.), local and provincial interest groups, government agencies, land owners, and general public having an interest in Spanish River Valley have been given direct written notice of the intent to prepare this Management Plan. Persons not included in this initial mailing who wish to be involved in the process may have their names added to the mailing list by contacting Ontario Parks Northeast Zone office at the address below. Public comment will be solicited at every stage of the planning process, which will contribute to the development of the best possible Management Plan. Public notice of this planning process has also been placed in local newspapers in Espanola, Timmins, Chapleau and the Sudbury Star.

At each stage where there is consultation, information and/or meetings will be provided to encourage input on the planning process. Comments and submissions will be collected. Notice of any public meeting will be mailed to all names on the Spanish River Valley mailing list and will be provided in the media at least 15 days prior to the event.

The review of the Preliminary Management Plan is the last opportunity for review and comment in the process to create a management plan for the Spanish River Valley Minitegozibe Signature Site. The Approved Management Plan will be released in the winter of 2008.

Supporting materials

View materials in person

Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.


Commenting is now closed.

This consultation was open from August 18, 2004
to October 4, 2004

Connect with us


Vicki Bradley

Phone number
Ontario Parks - Chutes Provincial Park

700 Imperial Street
P.O. Box 37
Massey, ON
P0P 1P0

Office phone number