Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park Management Plan

ERO number
Notice type
Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Notice stage
Decision posted
Comment period
May 12, 2006 - June 30, 2006 (49 days) Closed
Last updated

This consultation was open from:
May 12, 2006
to June 30, 2006

Decision summary

We have not made a decision on the proposal. To keep the Environmental Registry current, we are closing this posting.

Decision details

This project is still active. We will post a new notice on the Environmental Registry of Ontario at the next stage of the project with a link to this posting.

Responsibility for this project has transferred from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

This notice was originally posted on the old Environmental Registry under number PB04E6021.

Comments received

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Effects of consultation

We will consider all comments that we have received during the development of the next stage of this project.

Supporting materials

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Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

Connect with us


Joslyn Spurgeon

Ontario Parks - Algonquin Zone

451 Arrowhead Park Road
Huntsville, ON
P1H 2J4

Office phone number

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Original proposal

ERO number
Notice type
Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006
Posted by
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Proposal posted

Comment period

May 12, 2006 - June 30, 2006 (49 days)

Proposal details


Description of policy

Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park is a 33,505 ha natural environment class park situated in parts of the District Municipality of Muskoka (Ryde Township), City of Kawartha Lakes (Dalton and Digby Townships) and Haliburton County (Anson and Lutterworth Townships). The park was formally established through regulation under the Provincial Parks Act on June 28, 2003, and is a product of the expansion of the province's protected areas system that has resulted from the Ontario's Living Legacy Land Use Strategy.

During the development of the Strategy, the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands site was identified as the most diverse and least disturbed natural area in Ecodistrict 5E-8. The park is characterized by gently rolling topography consisting of bedrock ridges and troughs of shallow soil deposits, several lakes, and a rich variety of forested, non-forested and wetland vegetation types. It protects a number of provincially rare species and significant natural areas, including the Lewisham Wetland and Riley Lake Barrens. The park also has significant potential for sites of archaeological and cultural importance.

The site receives intensive recreational use in some areas, with popular activities including fishing, hunting, canoeing, camping, snowmobiling, and ATV travel. Numerous trails, both authorized and informal, traverse the park, including the 'wilderness' portion of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail. The park also contains portions of authorized traplines, bait fish harvest areas and bear management areas, and a number of recreation camps under land use permit. Private land, including several cottage lakes, surrounds the majority of the park.

Purpose of policy

A management plan is needed for Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park in order to establish policy direction for resource stewardship, operations and development. The approved plan will guide the management of the park for a 20-year period, and identify Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands' contributions to the achievement of the four Ontario Provincial Parks system objectives oe protection, heritage appreciation, recreation and tourism.

Other information

In accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Provincial Park Management Planning Manual (1994), consultation is required during the preparation, review and approval of this plan. Ontario Parks' policy requires direct written notice to certain individuals and organizations at each stage of the planning process. Other interested individuals and organizations may request to be added to this list, which is updated at each stage.

Opportunities for consultation will be provided at each stage of the management plan review process as follows (stages beyond Stage 2 are tentative):

  • Stage Two - Opportunity to Review Background Information Report, May 12 - June 30, 2006
  • Stage Three - Opportunity to Review Management Options (Issues and Plan Alternatives), Fall 2006
  • Stage Four - Opportunity to Review Preliminary Park Management Plan, Winter 2007
  • Stage Five - Opportunity to Inspect Approved Park Management Plan, Spring 2007

In addition to the consultation opportunities outlined above, a public advisory committee has been established to assist the planning team in the preparation of a management plan for Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park.

Other public consultation opportunities

The Background Information document is available for download from the Ontario Parks website (http//www.ontarioparks.com/English/invite.html). Hard copies of the document may be obtained at the Ontario Parks, Central Zone Office, 451 Arrowhead Park Road, Huntsville Ontario P1H 2J4. Phone: (705) 789-1481, Fax: (705) 789-5948, email: hank.vanluit@mnr.gov.on.ca. Comments concerning the Background Information document will be received at the above address until June 30, 2006.

In addition to posting on this Registry, the above notice has been released in regional newspapers and sent directly to mandatory and discretionary contacts on the current mailing list.

Additional information about the Ontario Provincial Park system, park planning and the Ontario's Living Legacy Land Use Strategy can be found at the weblinks listed below.

Supporting materials

View materials in person

Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.


Commenting is now closed.

This consultation was open from May 12, 2006
to June 30, 2006

Connect with us


Hank van Luit

Phone number
Ontario Parks, Central Zone

451 Arrowhead Park Road, R.R. # 3
Huntsville, ON
P1H 2J4

Office phone number