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It is said that one can judge a society by how it treats its animals. How can this atrocity be allowed to happen, and how come we hadn't even heard about it before? Hunting trapped animals is not even a sport, it is brutal and cruel and speaks tons about people who would consider doing this. Read more

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The province has issued a proposal to trap wild animals for the purpose of training dogs to hunt and destroy them. I am writing to oppose this policy on the strongest possible terms. Read more

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Please, this is a horrendous idea. What century are we living in? What kind of person would even consider it? I thought seal hunting was barbaric, but this..... Please, don't allow it.

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Disgusting. Do not expand this. Shut it down. Wild animals have enough trouble finding places to live now and exist. What if these poor vicious trained dogs encounter people while on a hunt. This is the 21st century. This sounds more like a betting, gambling practice than hunting. Read more

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How can this proposed action even be considered a sport. This reminds me of the medieval practice of bear-baiting. A chained animal being torn to pieces for the pleasure of the privileged. Have not we as modern man moved on. Guess not! Read more

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What sophistry. Here is what the new plan really is. The ministry will take a 1997 law that was designed to be phased out and expand the number of individuals who can trap foxes, coyotes, and rabbits and teach their dogs how to kill them (not just track and exercise them). Read more

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This is about time we get some more areas to run our hounds safely. The coyotes have safe areas to rest in and they are well looked after or we would have none to train dogs. The antis make it out to be bad and cruel, this is not true. Read more

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Please ban this barbaric plan to use live animals as bait. This is Canada. We have a law against cruelty to animals. All living being feel pain and should be treated with respect and kindness.

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- I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. - Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals who are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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The expansion of available running enclosures will fill numerous voids. 1) In our area there is a closed season that prohibits the running/training of our hunting dogs in the wild thus necessitating extensive travel to limited enclosures in order to keep the dogs in shape and trained. Read more

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I'll start with a quote from Gandhi: "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Please, I urge you to not proceed with this proposal. Read more

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As a former hunter, I have no objection to the hunting of foxes or wolves etc. But the creation of penned hunting facilities that hold the coyotes, rabbits, or other animals for the pleasure of hunters I find barbaric. If you want to hunt, go where your prey have their own advantages. Read more

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I think that this is a great move for the province and people who train hounds in Ontario. This will allow the sport to continue on for years to come and allow us to carry on the tradition of training and running of hunting dogs.

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This is unbelievable. Are we living in medieval times? This practice should be absolutely banned, period. Why are dogs being “trained” to kill? What happens when theses dogs run out of innocent animals to kill and their “handlers” lose control of them? Read more

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I wish to speak against the Ministry's plan to expand the number of licenses for penned hunting. We are supposed to be a civilized country. Ontario should be banning such licenses, not expanding them for a privileged lobby group. The rest of the world is watching!!!