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This is ridiculously cruel and a step backwards. Trapping and detaining wildlife is not fair to the animals we share this land with, especially for the purposes of training to then kill more wild animals. I'm embarrassed to live in such a place that would even consider passing this amendment. Read more

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I find the new additions to this act inhumane and ignorant though I do not condone hunting I do understand that for some this is the way they provide for their families how ever in the case of caging and tormenting animals in order to train a dog seems extreme as from time and memorial they have b Read more

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Penning wild animals enabling dogs to tear them apart at will is an inhumane and monstrous act. This takes animal abuse to its highest level. The extremist sadistic morons who are trying to overturn the ban on this practice give hunting a bad name. Read more

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The new amendment to allow for more penned training areas that use wild animals as bait for training dogs is inhumane. It’s abhorrent to think that this type of cruelty to animals is being encouraged and allowed to flourish by the government.

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Trapping live animals and not giving them an opportunity to escape is cruel. You need to give each animal an opportunity to escape. Dogs can train on fake animals with scent. If they can’t master that they won’t be able catch the real fox when it’s not already trapped for them.

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This is terribly cruel!! Why do wild animals have to be killed and tortured because someone like to pull the triggers and hunt? Not only you are killing poor creatures for fun but you are also training dogs now to help you do that?! What barbarian age we live in…

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This is a disgusting unethical policy to add - this isn’t the 1840’s - as our earth melts you want to bring back an archaic law using dog hunting and trapping for no reason - all animals deserve life. Read more

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I DO NOT support the proposed expansion of train and trial areas for hunting dogs. Keeping wildlife penned for the express purpose of having them perpetually hunted down for "practice" is cruel and inhumane. Read more

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The proposed practice is archaic, traumatizing for the wildlife involved and inhumane. I do not support trial and training facilities where dogs repeatedly chase down frightened and innocent wildlife that is then expected to be caged until the following trial.

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This practice should be abolished, not expanded. It's 2023, not 1823. This is inhumane and barbaric. Anyone who supports this should themselves be penned up in a small cage and have these same dogs chase after them. See how you like it. End this practice now.

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This is a barbaric practice for our wildlife. There is no reason why this should be happening. Its not conservation but for the enjoyment of the people who enjoy hunting down and killing these animals.