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This proposal is cruel and does nothing in the real training of hunting dogs. Understanding the appropriate style of training;. It’s easy to understand how and why this isn’t necessary or needed. Good & qualified hunters know this. So please this can’t be what Ontario has come to

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This is a disgusting proposal. I will be immensely disappointed in our provincial government if this is passed. This would be an unforgivable mistake by the province to increase the numbers of these areas. Read more

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This proposed act is barbaric. Your notice speaks about how these areas were meant to be phased out entirely but instead you want to create more? How does this do anything for conservation? Ripping wildlife from their habitat to what?Train dogs to track and kill them? And hold "competitions"? Read more

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Please STOP this cruel and inhumane practice. Work with knowledgeable community groups such as the Toronto Wildlife Center to utilize humane and safe strategies for controlling wild species.

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What a nauseating proposal. I cannot believe that in this day and age, we would use penned wild animals as bait animals for our domestic dogs. I cannot believe that there is any justification for such a barbaric practice. What an embarrassment. Read more

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This is just wrong the government is already pushing wildlife out of their homes with all the new subdivisions bumeing built. Leave them alone in what natural space they have left. This is truly just cruel to the local wildlife.

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What century of animal cruelty are we living in? Please put an end to this torture . We have enough cruelty in this world without adding to it. Shame on the government for even considering it!

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This is a reckless and inhumane idea. It's also appalling. The liability around this and what would happen to other animals, including other dogs and who is responsible. Not too mention psycho and sociopaths are the individuals who would be drawn to this. Read more

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This proposal is cruel and inhumane, enabling abuse of wild animals for mere sport. Do not adopt this appalling proposal that benefits a few hobbyists at such a steep cost of animal welfare. This is unconscionable.

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Please reconsider the use of hunting dogs on Ontarian wildlife!!! The victims of this cruelty have no way to defend themselves, and many people such as myself care about their well being!!

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This government is grossly out of touch with Ontarians. Catering to a small portion of the population by way of breeding animals to be killed by dogs in confined areas is disgusting and irresponsible. What has this government become? Read more