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I object to the amendments as unnecessary,un researched and potential conflicts of interest. High density housing in cities with green architecture is the best solution. Greenbelt destruction is attempting to (poorly) patch one issue while creating another.

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Please protect our green belt. Our environment is precious and fragile. We need to ban development in these areas. Nobody I have spoken to thinks the green belt needs to be destroyed. We have so little protected land and I don’t want to live in a world where mega cities span the province. Read more

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I object to the proposed changes to the Greenbelt, as I feel it is an important greenspace for residents of the GTA, and is farmland that could strengthen our food supply chain. I believe housing should be built denser instead of sprawled out away from the GTA.

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I think the proposal wildly misunderstands the needs of the communities and cities it serves and panders to developers who actively harm the housing crisis and the efforts toward affordable housing. Everything about this proposal angers me, frustrates me, and fills me with impotent rage. Read more

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Perhaps we can look at the infrastructure currently standing that, with some improvements, can provide housing for many without disrupting vital green space. We can look at the foreign ownership of properties and change these policies to support Canadian home ownership. Read more

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We have all the bloody land in the world and you want to rip up the last good land in Toronto? No. You want to develop, develop the bloody north. Develop in smaller towns stop expanding the size of Toronto without addressing infrastructure needs first. Read more

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Doug Ford lied. People did not vote of this. You do not have the approval or consent of the voters. If the Conservatives want to develop the greenbelt, they should call an election and run on that platform. Let the voters decide. Do not touch that land.

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Please re-locate the proposed development areas to the near north, away from farmland. Maintain the integrity of our farmland so that we can retain some autonomy in food production. Ensure adequate buffers are provided to protect crops and livestock from light, noise and air pollution. Read more