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This is a major concern environmentally, economically and politically. The GTA does not need more land for suburban sprawl. What is desperately needed is legalizing multi residential dwellings on all single family zoned properties. We need densification. Read more

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I 100% apposed this bill. There a millions of run down unused homes throughout Ontario that could easily be renovated to support housing needs. Millions; there's is ZERO need to destroy the green belt lands displacing millions of animals for rich snobs to own big executive homes. Read more

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Leave the green belt alone! Ontario will no longer be as beautiful if you take away its beauty. Make stricter renting policies, don’t let rentals increase so much with no tenants or between, repurpose old empty buildings and lots. Protect the green belt

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Source water protection is something we need to pay close attention to. With climate change we are going to be seeing changes in the available supply of water. Destroying these green belt's which tend to be linked to water sources WILL be damaging to the public. Read more