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Stop destroying our futures! Using up the greenbelt is NOT the way to build housing or infrastructure. The lands that are protected need to STAY protected. You can't use change boundaries and expect people to be ok with it. There are much better ways to build towards a green future. Read more

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Legislation in this vein would be a remarkable step back for the province of Ontario and would only encourage more Ontarians to leave at the soonest opportunity. A suitable substitute to address housing issues would be to utilize already developed areas that are unused or inefficiently used. Read more

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Build homes to benefit my developer buddies faster. Never mind that the greenbelt was designated a ... um... greenbelt. If only calling this government unprincipled were considered an insult by them. Built the highway. Setup the greenbelt for development. Read more

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Ontario needs densification, not to grow outward. Cutting into the greenbelt is not a long term solution to our housing issues. It would be better to set densification mandates on cities than to force them to pave over ecologically unique and environtally critical greenspaces. Read more