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Selling Greenbelt land to developers is a blatant betrayal of public trust. The Ford government promised to protect these lands. Moreover this proposal will cost Toronto and other municipalities hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure costs that should be paid by developers. Read more

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I grew up near the Greenbelt and am strongly opposed to this protected space being used for anything other than the beautiful outdoor activities it currently provides for Ontario citizens. We need denser, walkable cities - not more suburbs and highways.

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Stop the division of the Greenbelt. It is unnecessary because other lands are available on which to build homes. The province should increase building density within existing cities and towns where the infrastructure is readily available now. Read more

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I am disgusted, disappointed and angry that the Ford Government has decided to build on the greenbelt. This development will NOT help with the housing crisis as they will be monster homes, sold for millions and away from jobs, transportation and amenities. Read more

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Do not touch our Greenbelt. I will not say please as that is totally unnecessary. You campaigned on the promise of never touching the environmentally necessary greenbelt. Now you want to build a ghetto there. Please don't try the con that this is for low cost housing. No one believes this.

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I vehemently oppose the opening up of the proposed Greenbelt lands. Keep to your promise- the public does NOT want this, only the developers who are set to benefit and will not be held to any account to actually make the housing on these lands ‘affordable’. Read more

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This proposal is absolutely absurd. I am against any changes to our Greenbelt protection. Keep the Greenbelt protected! I do not approve building on our important Greenbelt land. Find other ways to create housing. Doug Ford has got to go! Read more

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With all due respect, this idea is solely rooted in the desire to enrich developers, and there is little to no scientific, or expert rationale for this move. I implore you to please put the environment first. This can't be undone. Do not proceed. Read more

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I stand against Bill 23 as a young architect in Ontario committed to solving the housing and climate crisis in an equitable and appropriate manner. Solutions void of corruption is also welcomed. I have pasted the Open Letter written by leading architects of Ontario down below. Read more

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The studies have been done - the Greenbelt doesn't NEED this expansion to accommodate new housing. This policy, like all of this conservative government's policies, only serves to benefit Premier Gourd and a select group of his political misfits. Read more

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Please. Growth and housing need to grow smart and thoughtfully if we are too have thriving communities that meet the needs. This feels like an opening for rash, crowded and poorly regulated housing and development. It does not quarantee affordable housing. We can do better!