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Good afternoon! I personally feel like removing any greenery would not be beneficial for the city and goes against the environmental policies that the government is currently supposed to be supporting. As much as the housing is an issue I believe that this is not a suitable solution to the problem. Read more

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We do not need more sprawl and single family homes! We need to push for zoning changes to permit mixed use, dense, medium rise neighbourhoods. Single family homes in the greater golden horseshoe area will only provide further inventory for investors to speculate on or be swept up by the wealthy. Read more

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This is a complete disgrace of democracy. The PC party agreed not to take land from the greenbelt and now are caving to developers who padded there election with money. This is a sell out to the people of Ontario and all honest taxpayers. Read more

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The Greenbelt was established to ensure Ontario would always have land necessary to grow food. Some of the best land in the country. Rich soil. Once it is destroyed there is no reclaiming it. GONE. There are many smaller cities in Ontario that could support growth. Read more

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As the world works to reduce our impact on the environment and increase our resiliency in the face of climate change, this legislation is short-sighted and clearly has only one thing in mind: growth without consequence. Build up not out please, build smart not foolishly. Read more

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The purpose of the greenbelt is to PROTECT agricultural and environmentally sensitive lands from development. After decades of promising to leave the land intact, why are we going back to cut into it? The cuts to the greenbelt will likely result in a loss for our ecosystems. Read more

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Please do not allow for this. We have many other options for development without eating into our green belt and wetlands. Once made, this cannot be reversed. We have a responsibility to ourselves and future generations to preserve these areas at all costs.

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This proposal would be disastrous for Ontarians. The Greenbelt must be preserved - the land is not ideal for building housing developments, and those who live in these homes will most definitely experience floods, etc. as a result. Protect nature! Housing can be built elsewhere via rezoning.

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This proposal is very bad. We don't need more greenfield suburban sprawl built on protected land. The status quo-- continuing to build endlessly expanding, low density, car-centric, cookie-cutter subdivisions-- is not a sustainable or desirable outcome. You want to address the housing shortage? Read more

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While housing is an important issue so is protecting the natural environment in Ontario. We need space for people to enjoy the outdoors. More construction means more carbon emissions into the environment and taking the Greenbelt away is taking trees away to combat these emissions. Read more