Amendments to Ontario Regulation 667/98 (Trapping) made under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, to update technical specifications of relaxing cable restraints used for trapping.

ERO number
Notice type
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997
Posted by
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Notice stage
Proposal posted
Comment period
May 24, 2024 - July 8, 2024 (45 days) Closed
Last updated

This consultation was open from:

May 24, 2024
to July 8, 2024

Proposal summary

We are proposing regulatory amendments under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act,1997 (FWCA), to change design specifications of relaxing cable restraints (RCR) used for trapping in Ontario. Changes are being proposed to the maximum rating of breakaway components and to the minimum cable loop size diameter used in the construction of RCRs.

Proposal details

The FWCA and Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 667/98 (Trapping) specify the rules associated with trapping across the province, which includes restrictions on the types of trapping devices that can be used by trappers.

RCR is a live-capture trapping device that is designed to hold an animal in place without causing mortality. RCRs allow for the release of non-target animals (e.g., dogs, livestock, non-target wildlife) in the event they are accidentally captured, and for the humane dispatch of target animals. RCRs are used in many jurisdictions throughout North America and have been authorized for use in Ontario since January 1, 2016.

Under the current regulations, RCRs may only be used to trap coyote or wolf:

  • for the purpose of protection of property by licensed trappers or farmers on private land; and
  • for general trapping use by licensed trappers or farmers during the open trapping season for coyote and wolf, except during deer seasons in southern, central and parts of northeastern Ontario in which dogs are allowed to accompany hunters.

The ministry is proposing to increase the breakaway device rating from 122.5 kg or less to 158.8 kg or less and decrease the minimum cable loop diameter from 8.9 cm to 6.4 cm. All other existing RCR design specifications prescribed by the regulations would remain unchanged.

The primary driver for these amendments are to align regulations with research findings on recommended breakaway device ratings suitable for holding coyote yet maintains design function to allow non-target species (e.g., livestock, non-target wildlife) to break the device and escape unharmed. Reducing the minimum cable loop diameter is intended to address concerns about pelt damage that have been identified by trappers. Both these amendments serve to ensure RCRs remain an effective tool for farmers and trappers.

The proposed changes, if approved, would be implemented through amendments to O. Reg. 667/98 (Trapping).

Regulatory impact analysis

The anticipated environmental and social consequences of these proposed amendments are neutral. Existing trapping licensing requirements, trapping seasons and licence harvest quotas will be maintained. RCR use is restricted to licensed trappers and farmers for use in resolving human-wildlife conflicts. The continued use of RCRs is expected to avoid the inadvertent capture or killing of non-target species (e.g., pets, livestock, non-target wildlife).

The anticipated economic consequences of the proposed amendments are positive. Ontario farmers and producers often hire licensed trappers to target and remove coyotes predating on livestock. The proposed amendments are expected to increase the effectiveness of RCRs being used to address livestock predation concerns.

The anticipated regulatory impacts of the proposed amendments on stakeholders are expected to be neutral. Minimal or no annual administrative costs are anticipated for stakeholders, businesses, or government.

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MNRF Fish and Wildlife Policy Branch – Wildlife Section

300 Water Street
5th Floor, North Tower
Peterborough, ON
K9J 3C7

Office phone number


Commenting is now closed.

The comment period was from May 24, 2024
to July 8, 2024

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Public Input Coordinator

Phone number
MNRF Fish and Wildlife Policy Branch – Wildlife Section

300 Water Street
5th Floor, North Tower
Peterborough, ON
K9J 3C7

Office phone number

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