Tribag Mine Rehabilitation Project

ERO number
Notice type
Environmental Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of Mines
Bulletin posted
Last updated

This notice is for informational purposes only. There is no requirement to consult on this initiative on the Environmental Registry of Ontario. Learn more about the types of notices on the registry.

Bulletin summary

The Ministry of Mines is proposing to rehabilitate the mine hazards at the Tribag Mine. Project planning is being carried out in accordance with the Class Environmental Assessment for Activities of the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines under the Mining Act (Class Environmental Assessment).

Why consultation isn't required

The Tribag Mine rehabilitation project is an undertaking subject to the Environmental Assessment Act. This proposed Category B project is being carried out in accordance with the Class Environmental Assessment for the Activities of the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines under the Mining Act. Consultation will be completed in accordance with requirements of the Class Environmental Assessment.

Bulletin details

Proposal details:

The Tribag Mine (AMIS#08068) is a former copper mine situated in Nicolet Township, approximately 100 km north of Sault Ste. Marie and 26 km north of Batchewana Bay, Ontario. The mine operated from 1962 to 1974 and features a mill site, tailings management area, waste rock, and extensive underground workings that span three mining zones:

  • The West Breccia zone is situated in the southern portion of the mine. The zone contains three stopes, two raises, an adit and multiple crown pillars. The adit is currently blocked by a steel door; however, the door does not eliminate access to the underground workings. The workings below the adit are flooded, while those above the adit level remain unflooded. Bat acoustic studies completed in 2023 suggest that the underground workings provide overwintering habitat to bats.
  • The Breton zone is located east of the mill site in the north boundary of the site. This zone features three raises, a shaft, and a crown pillar. The three raises and shaft within the Breton Zone are currently capped, however the caps do not meet the minimum requirements specified in the Mine Rehabilitation Code of Ontario (Ontario Regulation 240/00).
  • The East Breccia Zone is located approximately 2.3 km from the main mine workings and features a single exploratory adit. The adit is confirmed to be utilized by bats as a potential hibernaculum.

The purpose of the project is to rehabilitate the mine hazards at the Tribag Mine to eliminate the risk to the public. The mine is known to be frequented by the public and is ranked high by the province as sites requiring rehabilitation due to the risk to public safety. The proposed rehabilitation activities will permanently prevent inadvertent access to all mine openings to surface. Other features remaining at the site, including the tailings management area, mill site, building materials and waste rock piles, will be addressed as part of a separate Class Environmental Assessment.

The proposed rehabilitation strategy for the hazards located within the West Breccia Zone is fencing. Two fence perimeters are proposed:

  • One encompassing the adit, adit crown pillar, stope to surface and raise situated in the southern portion of the West Breccia Zone; and,
  • The second encompassing the two remaining stopes to surface, raise and the crown pillars associated with the stopes to surface.

The fence design will meet the specifications provided in the Mine Rehabilitation Code of Ontario (O. Reg. 240/00). The use of the fencing will minimize inadvertent access to the mine, while still protecting the bat overwintering habitat. The fencing installation will require some vegetation removal extending approximately three meters on either side of the fence perimeter. The work is expected to occur in the early fall of 2024.

The proposed rehabilitation strategy for the mine openings to surface within the Breton Zone is concrete caps that meets the minimum requirements specified in O. Reg. 240/00. The raise caps would be constructed over the existing caps, allowing the existing caps to act as framework. One crown pillar within the Breton Zone has been identified as not long-term stable. The proposed rehabilitation strategy for the crown pillar is fencing. The fencing installation will require some vegetation removal extending approximately three meters on either side of the fence perimeter. The work is expected to occur in the early fall of 2024.

The proposed rehabilitation strategy for the adit located within the East Breccia Zone is the installation of a stainless-steel gate. The gate will eliminate safety concerns related to access by the public, while still allowing bats to easily enter/exit the underground workings. The work will occur in the summer months of 2024 when bats are not expected to be actively hibernating within the mine.

Public consultation:

You are invited to provide input and express any concerns about this proposed project. Comments must be received by March 11, 2024. For more information or to submit comments please contact:

Michaela Haring, Environmental Planner
Ministry of Mines
Telephone: 1-249-885-3631

Please note that personal information provided in a submission (such as name, address, and telephone number) and your views and opinions are being collected by MINES under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act for the purpose of engaging in public consultation and making decisions regarding the project. The personal information may also be shared with the Environmental Assessment and Permissions Branch of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. The collection, use, and disclosure of this information are all governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about the collection of this information should be directed to the person listed above.

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Ministry of Mines

933 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON
P3E 6B5

Office phone number

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