​​Uxbridge Urban Provincial Park Management Planning – Release of Background Information Document​

ERO number
Notice type
Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Bulletin posted
Last updated

This notice is for informational purposes only. There is no requirement to consult on this initiative on the Environmental Registry of Ontario. Learn more about the types of notices on the registry.

Bulletin summary

We have created Uxbridge Urban Provincial Park and now we need to create a management plan to effectively protect and manage the lands. We are presenting the background information we have collected for the park so far and are interested in knowing if there is any additional information to consider or research the people of Ontario think we should.

Why consultation isn't required

There are no consultation requirements under the Environmental Bill of Rights at this stage, as no policies are being proposed at this time.

Program policy under the Ontario’s Protected Areas Planning Manual requires the background information document be made available for review through the ERO as a means of connecting with Indigenous communities, stakeholders and the public.

This is pre-consultation. No decisions are being made at this time. The next step in the process is to present the preliminary management plan, which will include consultation.

Bulletin details

We are strengthening the protection and health of the environment while providing more opportunities for Ontarians to get outside and enjoy nature. Ensuring that Uxbridge Urban Provincial Park has a management plan that includes necessary direction to protect nature and biodiversity is part of our government’s work to manage provincial parks and conservation reserves effectively.

Park Location and General Information

Uxbridge Urban Provincial Park is a 532-hectare operating, recreational class park, located in the Township of Uxbridge, 25 kilometers east of Newmarket and 50 kilometers northeast of Toronto.

Uxbridge Urban Provincial Park is located within the areas of the Williams Treaties (1923) and the Gunshot Treaty (Johnson-Butler Purchase) of 1787-1788.

Uxbridge Urban Provincial Park Background Information Document

Uxbridge Urban Provincial Park is a newly created park and we have prepared a background information document that summarizes what we currently know about this area.

This information provides a starting point for upcoming planning stages, including the development of a management plan which will guide the parks’ long-term protection, development, and management.

We are sharing this information to:

  • support further Indigenous, public and stakeholder involvement in the planning process
  • inform management priorities for this park.

Indigenous communities, stakeholders and members of the public are invited to share new information with us that may not already be captured through past consultation efforts so we can consider it as we develop management direction for the park.

The background information document provides information on:

  • the park lands and those that are adjacent,
  • natural and cultural heritage,
  • Indigenous communities, treaties, and traditional areas,
  • recreational use taking place in the area,
  • commercial uses currently taking place within the park,
  • pressures having an effect on values within the park.

Opportunity to provide feedback

The background information is currently available for review and comment for a 45-day period. After reviewing the document, and the summary of the comments received from the survey conducted last summer, we are interested in knowing if you think there is any new or additional information that we should collect before writing the management direction for Uxbridge Urban Provincial Park.

Do you have anything new to add? Please fill out this online form and let us know!

Other Public Consultation Opportunities

If you would like to be kept up to date on Uxbridge Urban Provincial Park planning, please email planning.sez@ontario.ca to be added to the project mailing list.

The next stage of management planning is anticipated to be Fall 2024 – release of the preliminary management plan with Indigenous, stakeholder and public consultation.

The last stage of management planning is the release of the final management plan, which will take place after comments on the preliminary management plan are considered.

Supporting materials

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Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

Ontario Parks - Southeast Zone

300 Water Street
6th floor
Peterborough, ON
K9J 3C7

Office phone number

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