Amendments to Killbear Provincial Park boundary – Crown Land Use Amendment 2014-001

ERO number
Notice type
Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Notice stage
Decision posted
Comment period
June 1, 2016 - July 18, 2016 (47 days) Closed
Last updated

This consultation was open from:
June 1, 2016
to July 18, 2016

Decision summary

We have made two changes to the boundary of Killbear Provincial Park. We added a large parcel of land to protect a variety of wetlands and Massassauga rattlesnake habitat, and we removed a small area to resolve an encroachment by the Township of Carling’s landfill site.

Decision details

We made the following amendments to the boundary of Killbear Provincial Park:

  1. We added a 131.62-hectare (ha) (325.24-acre) parcel of acquired land to the western part of the park. The added land includes features that will complement existing habitat in the park.
  2. We removed a 3.67-ha (9.07-acre) area of land from the park so the land can be transferred to the Township of Carling for their landfill site. The deregulated area increased slightly from the proposed area (1.95 ha/4.82 acres) to more accurately reflect the amount of land required for the contaminant attenuation zone. This increase in land is consistent with the original intent of the proposal.

Responsibility for the boundary regulation component of this project was transferred from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks in 2018. MNRF approved the Crown land use amendment in support of the deregulation in January 2021.

In 2020, changes to the Guide for Crown Land Use Planning resulted in the addition of the acquired land to Killbear Provincial Park no longer requiring a land use amendment decision.

The park boundary was changed through an amendment to Ontario Regulation 316/07 under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006.

Comments received

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Effects of consultation

Ontario Parks received a total of 20 comments with some duplicate commenters:

  • 13 commenters supported the proposal
  • four commenters opposed the proposal

Several commenters supported the park addition to:

  • protect species-at-risk habitat and other wildlife
  • have the area no longer allow hunting
  • prevent development of the area

People not in favour of the park addition objected to hunting opportunities being removed.

We considered all comments when making the decision to change the boundary of Killbear Provincial Park. The comments received resulted in no change to the decision.

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Ontario Parks - Northeast Zone Office

933 Ramsey Lake Road
4th Floor, Willet Green Miller Centre
Sudbury, ON
P3E 6B5

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Original proposal

ERO number
Notice type
Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006
Posted by
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Proposal posted

Comment period

June 1, 2016 - July 18, 2016 (47 days)

Proposal details

Description of policy

Killbear Provincial Park is a 1,753.7 hectare (ha) natural environment class park, located on the eastern shore of Georgian Bay. Killbear is situated in the geographic Township of Carling, in the District of Parry Sound. The park is located on a peninsula west of the Town of Parry Sound. Two boundary amendments are proposed that were included as implementation priorities in the Killbear Provincial Park Management Plan (2000).

The first proposed boundary change includes the addition of 131.62 ha of land to the park (the Crown-owned portions of Lots 64 and 65, Concession 8, which are immediately adjacent to the park’s western boundary and currently designated as General Use Area). This addition is being proposed because the lots contain a variety of wetland ecosites and habitat for the provincially threatened Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake that will complement existing habitat in the park.

The second proposed boundary change includes the removal of 1.95 ha of land from the park (Lot 63, Concession IX, Carling Township). The Township of Carling operates a landfill site on the east side of the park which currently encroaches on the regulated park boundary. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) intends to transfer the land containing the encroachment to the Township. Prior to doing this, MNRF must deregulate the land which includes the landfill’s main entrance road and limited parking/turnaround area.

Purpose of policy

To invite comment on the proposed amendments to the boundary of Killbear Provincial Park.

Other information

Search under amendment tracking number 2014-001 on the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas.

The boundary amendment is being undertaken in accordance with the approved management plan for the park as well as under A Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves (Class EA-PPCR) as a Category B project.

Public consultation

This proposal was posted for a 47 day public review and comment period starting June 01, 2016. Comments were to be received by July 18, 2016.

All comments received during the comment period are being considered as part of the decision-making process by the Ministry.

Please Note: All comments and submissions received have become part of the public record.

Other public consultation opportunities

The proposed boundary amendments were subject to public consultation as part of the process for the approval of the Killbear Provincial Park Management Plan. View the Environmental Registry notice, by searching PB8E3006.

In addition to this posting on the Environmental Registry, direct mailing to a contact list is occurring to ensure that Aboriginal communities, local stakeholders, government organizations, adjacent landowners and others expected to have interest will all be included in the consultation process. Persons not included in the initial mailing who wish to be involved in the process may have their names added to the mailing list by communicating with the contact listed in this notice.

Ontario Parks will consider the comments received during this consultation period in the development of the recommended land use policy proposal.

If the proposed land use amendment is approved, a subsequent regulation change will be made to O. Reg. 316/07 of the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 regarding the regulated boundary of the park. No additional opportunity for public comment on these regulation changes will be provided via the Environmental Registry.

Supporting materials

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Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.


Commenting is now closed.

This consultation was open from June 1, 2016
to July 18, 2016

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