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The world is on the edge and within a short time it could be too late for all life as we know it to exist on this planet. We must include the environment in every part of what we are doing and protect habitat that has species with nowhere else they can survive in. Read more

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How much building do we need? In the first 10/15 years of my life, squirrels and birds were about the only animals you really saw in the city of Burlington. Now bunnies are everywhere, skunks are seen frequently, deer are often seen and we have a coyote watch, with signs across the city. Read more

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I am disgusted by this government on every single level. My city is a joke. My province is disgusting. And the entire country needs a wake up call. The fact that you care more about business than the actual planet for which you live on is mind blowing. These animals are at risk of distinction. Read more

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Protecting nature ( and especially endagered species) is far more important than the profitability of ANY business. Please protect the natural spaces these species live in, even if ecinomic opportunities are lost as a result.

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Waterways and ecosystems should be protected, especially those that are at risk. They should not be open for business. As biodiversity declines we risk losses from disease and environmental factors. We should be protecting at risk species not allowing them further stresses. Read more

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Opening up Ontario for business and thus, presumably, improving our economy does not mean that you have a carte blanche to put at even greater risk Ontario's species-at-risk. Let's look at the bigger picture. Let's consider the legacy we leave for our children and grandchildren.

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we must do our best to preserve our ecosystems, and one of the best ways of doing so, is by protecting Canada's wildlife. if we do otherwise, our nation's identity will be at risk. let's not be ruled by greed, and keep Canada beautiful and green. if don't don't strengthen animal protections(ie. Read more

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This review poses an opportunity to tighten up regulations so that industry and developers are not able to avail themselves of all the existent exemptions. Our too many species at risk must have their habitat protected so that they may turn a corner and return in healthy numbers. Read more

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It is about time that the Government of Ontario put nature ahead of making a buck! Everything on this planet is connected. Destruction of habitat and endangering the life and wellbeing of animals, in the long run affects us all - humans, other wildlife, plants, and the earth herself. Read more

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Please protect the animals. They are very important to the overall good health of the environment. Healthy environment = healthy economy. Do not water down environment protections any more, Mr. Trump, I mean Mr. Ford. Read more

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I sit on a Committee of Adjustment up north. In most cases, people are developing in areas where there are endangered species. We could require those who receive COA approval to make it conditional upon an environmental study being done. However, The applicant must pay for it. Read more

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Habitat should not be disturbed or polluted. This includes air, water and soil. The time is here to make new human habitat intelligently with knowledge we already have. It is being done here successfully by one developer. Read more

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URGENT -- It is very important and pertinent to act quickly and decisively to protect any endangered species in Ontario and, in fact, all of Canada. Time is of the essence. Please, please act NOW and make decisions to protect Ontario's species and habitats. Read more