There is no requirement to post this notice on the Environmental Registry of Ontario, but we wanted to hear your thoughts. Thank you for your feedback.
This consultation was open from:
October 2, 2020
to November 1, 2020
Decision summary
The minister has issued an overall benefit permit to Boblo South Development Inc. for the development of a residential subdivision that may impact Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake, which are species at risk. The permit includes actions to benefit both species, minimize adverse effects, and outlines monitoring and reporting requirements.
Location details
Site address
Site location details
Part of Bois Blanc Island (Boblo Island), Town of Amherstburg, County of Essex, Ontario, Canada
Site location map
The location pin reflects the approximate area where environmental activity is taking place.
View this location on a map opens link in a new windowProponent(s)
Boblo South Development Inc.
2199 Blackacre Drive
N0R 1L0
Decision details
On April 1, 2021, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks issued a permit to Boblo South Development Inc. under section 17(1) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 in accordance with the criteria in clause 17(2)(c) of that Act, concerning:
- Butler’s Gartersnake
- Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population)
The permit authorizes Boblo South Development Inc. to construct a 220-unit residential subdivision on the south end of Boblo Island, which is situated in the Detroit River and is part of the Town of Amherstburg, Ontario.
The permit includes conditions that require Boblo South Development Inc. to undertake measures that will:
- minimize adverse effects to Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population)
- achieve an overall benefit to Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population) within a reasonable timeframe
Actions to minimize adverse effects to species
The permit requires Boblo South Development Inc. to carry out actions to minimize adverse effects on Butler’s Gartersnakes and Eastern Foxsnakes (Carolinian Population), including:
- installing temporary exclusion fencing where activities are required to prevent Butler’s Gartersnakes and Eastern Foxsnakes (Carolinian Population) from entering the development areas
- conducting surveys and targeted salvage of Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population) in the development area before habitats are impacted
- where possible, removing vegetation and preparing the site outside of the active period for snakes, and if not possible, ensure a qualified professional is present to confirm absence of individual snake species prior to vegetation removal
- inspecting work areas and equipment daily, and before starting work, to ensure no species are present and in harm’s way
- discouraging public access to a large portion of existing habitat that will be surrounded by development by ensuring that:
- the design of all lots surrounding the habitat area is 1 metres higher in elevation than the habitat
- the perimeter of the habitat is planted with vegetation that will likely discourage public access, such as thorny bushes
- constructing wildlife corridors throughout the development area to improve the habitat connectivity and species movement across and around Boblo Island
- providing training to all site workers about both species and what to do if one is encountered
- monitoring the mitigation measures to ensure they are effective
Actions to achieve an overall benefit to both species
The permit requires Boblo South Development Inc. to achieve an overall benefit for both species within a reasonable timeframe, including:
- creating and enhancing a minimum of 21.39 hectares of suitable habitat for Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population) on Boblo Island, focusing on creating and enhancing transitional ecotone habitat which are intended to create new potential sites for nesting, thermoregulation, foraging and hibernation
- creating and enhancing a minimum of 11.89 hectares of suitable habitat for Butler’s Gartersnake and/or Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population), off of Boblo Island and within the Town of Amherstburg and the Town of LaSalle, focusing on creating and enhancing habitat to support life processes of both species
- carrying out a relevant, scientifically credible and feasible research project to provide overall benefit to Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population)
- developing and implementing an education and public awareness program for residents of Boblo Island regarding Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population), including:
- creating and distributing educational brochures
- posting educational signs
- developing and delivering community outreach awareness sessions to educate the community and raise awareness of snakes and the Endangered Species Act, 2007
- installing traffic calming measures and species crossing awareness signs on Boblo Island to reduce the potential for road mortality of snakes
- maintaining the habitat creation and enhancement areas on and off Boblo Island for a minimum of 5 years
- monitoring Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population) on and off Boblo Island in the habitat creation and enhancement areas to determine how effective the habitat creation/enhancement is
Other information
The proponent considered reasonable alternatives, including alternatives that would not adversely affect the species, such as:
- not proceeding with the proposed project
- proceeding with the original development plan of over 800 residential units (46.2 hectares of development area)
- proceeding with a modified development plan of just under 240 residential units (40.1 hectares of development area)
- proceeding with a further modified development plan of 220 residential units, a reduction/removal of 18 existing and fully serviced lots, and a reduction of individual lot sizes (31 hectares of development area)
The minister believes that the alternatives considered are reasonable and the best alternative is the one being permitted.
The ministry has published government response statements under section 12.1 of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 with respect to Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population).
The government response statements specify actions such as:
- identifying and protecting existing habitat
- enhancing and restoring habitat
promoting stewardship
- increasing knowledge of species biology, abundance, distribution, and threats
Consideration was given to these government response statements, and these actions are supported in the permit.
You can access these statements through the ministry’s website:
Effects of consultation
A voluntary instrument proposal indicating that a permit was under consideration was posted on the ERO (number 019-2504) for 30 days, from October 2 to November 1, 2020.
Three comments on the proposal notice were received, indicating:
- concerns of habitat loss in the south-end of Boblo Island
- recommendation that restrictive covenants should be applied to individual lots, such as prohibition on free-ranging cats
- concerns that the proposed overall benefit activities taking place off-island would not provide a benefit to species at risk snakes on Boblo Island
- concerns that proposed overall benefit activities taking place off-island do not have proper approvals with the municipality to create/enhance habitat for the species
- concerns that the amount of habitat remaining on Boblo Island after the development will not be sufficient to support the populations of Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population) and Butler’s Gartersnake currently residing on the Island
- recommendation that wildlife corridors should be included within the development plan
- concerns that a large portion of existing habitat will be surrounded by development and will become significantly degraded by edge effects
- recommendation to modify the development plan to reduce development on the south-end of Boblo Island
- concerns relating to the development of the south-end of Boblo Island impacting the Bois Blanc Island Lighthouse and Blockhouse National Historic Site of Canada
All feedback received was considered in the ministry’s decision. Some of the comments received resulted in modifications being made to the permit, such as:
- including wildlife corridors throughout the development to improve the habitat connectivity and species movement across and around Boblo Island
- modifying the design of the development to deter public access from a large portion of remaining habitat located in the central part of Boblo Island
Remaining comments received were considered but did not result in modifications being made to the permit conditions because:
- although alternatives to the project site plan were considered, including reducing development to the south-end of Boblo Island, further reductions are not possible to financially make the development feasible and continue to support the ongoing operations on the Island
- the permit includes the development and implementation of a public awareness and education program
- off-island overall benefit areas are likely to provide enhancement opportunities for the species due to their location (known occurrences of both species) and that the overall benefit actions are expected to provide additional habitat for key life-processes for both species
- proper approvals are confirmed to be in effect for off-island overall benefit lands
- the permit includes conditions to create new habitat for species at risk snakes on and off Boblo Island, as well as additional actions to support the protection and recovery of both species
- the permit includes actions to minimize adverse effects on species at risk, actions to achieve overall benefit, as well as actions to support the protection and recovery of both species
- concerns relating to the development of the south-end of Boblo Island impacting the Bois Blanc Island Lighthouse and Blockhouse National Historic Site of Canada do not fall within the scope of an Endangered Species Act, 2007 authorization
Supporting materials
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Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
How to Appeal
Appeals are not allowed
This instrument type cannot be appealed. Learn more about our consultation process.
Connect with us
Kathleen Buck
40 St. Clair Avenue West
14th Floor
M4V 1M2
Original proposal
Why consultation isn't required
The ministry is not required to consult on this proposal because it does not meet the criteria set out in subsection 1.3(6) of Ontario Regulation 681/94 of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993.
This information is being posted voluntarily to advise the public of this proposal and to invite the public to submit written comments to the contact person identified in this notice
Proposal details
Boblo South Development Inc. has submitted a proposal for an overall benefit permit under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007. The proposal is to construct a residential subdivision on the south end of Boblo Island, which is situated in the Detroit River and is part of the Town of Amherstburg, Ontario.
The proposal would:
- impact Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population)
- adversely impact approximately 21.9 hectares of habitat for Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian Population) and 10.65 hectares of habitat for Butler’s Gartersnake
Specific habitat areas for each species that may be adversely impacted are outlined below. Please note, the identified Butler’s Gartersnake habitat overlaps entirely with the Eastern Foxsnake-Carolinian Population habitat.
- 2.87 hectares of Butler’s Gartersnake habitat may be damaged
- 7.78 hectares of Butler’s Gartersnake habitat may be destroyed
- 3.1 hectares of Eastern Foxsnake-Carolinian Population habitat may be damaged
- 18.8 hectares of Eastern Foxsnake-Carolinian Population habitat may be destroyed
A total of 21.9 hectares of species at risk snake habitat may be adversely impacted by the proposal.
Protecting species under the Endangered Species Act
Sections 9 and 10 of the ESA provide protection for individual members of a species and their habitat if that species is listed on the Species at Risk in Ontario List as either:
- extirpated
- endangered
- threatened
The Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian population) are both listed as endangered and are therefore protected.
Habitat loss and fragmentation are the most significant threats to the protection and recovery of Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake in Ontario.
Under clause 17(2)(c) of the ESA, the minister may issue a permit authorizing a person to engage in an activity that would otherwise be prohibited by sections 9 or 10 of the ESA if the minister believes that:
- an overall benefit to the species will be achieved within a reasonable time through the conditions of the permit
- reasonable alternatives have been considered, including alternatives that would not negatively affect the species, and the best alternative has been adopted
- reasonable steps to minimize negative effects on individual members of the species are required by conditions of the permit
Providing an overall benefit to a protected species under the ESA involves improving circumstances for the species in Ontario. Overall benefit is:
- more than “no net loss” or an exchange of “like for like”
- grounded in the protection and recovery of the species at risk
Reasonable alternatives being considered
Boblo South Developments Inc. is considering alternatives, including alternatives that would not adversely affect the species. These may include:
- not proceeding with the proposed subdivision project
- proceeding with the original development plan of over 800 residential units (46.2 hectares of development area)
- proceeding with a modified development plan of just under 240 residential units (40.1 hectares of development area)
- proceeding with a further modified development plan of 220 residential units, a reduction/removal of 18 existing and fully serviced lots, and a reduction of individual lot sizes (32.1 hectares of development area)
Boblo South Development Inc. has concluded that the best alternative for carrying out the project involves modifying the development plan to 220 residential units, a reduction/removal of 18 existing and fully services lots, and a reduction of lot sizes (32.1 hectares of development area).
Actions to minimize adverse effects on the species
Potential approaches to minimize adverse effects on Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake may include:
- minimizing the total footprint of the project
- conducting surveys and targeted salvage of Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake in the development area prior to habitat impacts and installing exclusion fencing to prevent Butler’s Gartersnakes and Eastern Foxsnakes from gaining access to the development area
- conducting vegetation removal and site preparation outside of the active period for the species and ensuring strict adherence to restrictive timing windows
- providing homeowner awareness and education packages to educate homeowners on the presence of the species and what to do if they observe one
- providing training to all site workers about the species and what to do if one is encountered
- monitoring of mitigation measures to ensure their effectiveness.
Actions to achieve an overall benefit to species
Boblo South Development Inc. is seeking ways to provide overall benefit to Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake. Please refer to Table 1 for a summary of the overall benefit actions that may be implemented.
Table 1: Overall Benefit Actions
On-Island | Habitat creation |
10.59 hectares |
On-Island | Habitat enhancement |
10.8 hectares |
On-Island | Habitat creation – key habitat features |
N/A |
On-Island | Traffic calming measures/wildlife crossing structure |
N/A |
On-Island | Two-year research program | The research program will fill key research gaps identified in the Government Response Statements for the species. Research may focus on any of the following:
N/A |
On-Island | Creation of a local stewardship coordinator position |
N/A |
On-Island | Monitoring and creation of an adaptive management program |
N/A |
On-Island | Habitat creation |
7.8 hectares |
On-Island | Habitat enhancement |
4.09 hectares |
Total On-Island Habitat Creation & Enhancement = 21.39 hectares
Total Off-Island Habitat Creation & Enhancement =11.89 hectares
Other information
Government response statements to the recovery strategy for Butler’s Gartersnake and Eastern Foxsnake have been published by the Province and will be considered before a decision to issue an overall benefit permit.
Posting this proposal on the Environmental Registry does not imply that the minister will issue a permit. A permit may only be issued where the legal requirements set out in clause 17(2)(c) of the ESA have been satisfied.
Supporting materials
View materials in person
Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
Commenting is now closed.
This consultation was open from October 2, 2020
to November 1, 2020
Connect with us
Kathleen Buck
40 St. Clair Avenue West
14th Floor
M4V 1M2
Comments received
Through the registry
1By email
2By mail