An Environmental Compliance Approval (Waste Site) 20-TIM-44376 for Dufour Waste Disposal Inc. was issued

ERO number
Notice type
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Bulletin posted
Last updated

This notice is for informational purposes only. There is no requirement to consult on this initiative on the Environmental Registry of Ontario. Learn more about the types of notices on the registry.

Bulletin summary

An Environmental Compliance Approval (waste site) 20-TIM-44376 for Dufour Waste Disposal Inc. was issued on June 29, 2020 for a hauled sewage site in Moonbeam Township, Ontario.

Why consultation isn't required

On April 1, 2020, the Ontario Government made a temporary regulation to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ontario Regulation 115/20 exempts all proposals for policies, acts, regulations and instruments from posting requirements under the Environmental Bill of Rights.

Ontario Regulation 115/20 was revoked on June 15, 2020, however, we are posting this decision as a bulletin because the proposal was posted on original posting date, while Ontario Regulation 115/20 was in effect.

Although consultation was not required, the ministry did consult with the public on this proposal by posting ERO # 019-1605 for public comment from April 7, 2020 – May 22, 2020. To ensure transparency, the ministry is providing details of its decision and the effects of consultation on decision-making in this notice.

Bulletin details


Dufour Waste Disposal Inc.
144 Brunelle Road South
Kapaskaping, Ontario, P5N 2X7

Location details

Site location: Moonbeam Lagoons Parcel 1256 (see map of site location)

To see the site location on a map, refer to the instrument proposal under ERO# 019-1605.

Instrument decision

Application type: renewal

Total useable area: 15 hectares

Type of disposal: dewatering trench

Operational requirements

Conditions on the Environmental Compliance Approval include requirements to develop and follow spill response procedures, train staff and maintain records. The approval also includes the following operational requirements:

  • no hauled sewage shall be spread or disposed of at the site when the ground is frozen, ice-covered or snow covered
  • no hauled sewage shall be spread at the site under conditions where hauled sewage may runoff or discharge from the site
  • hauled sewage cannot be spread during winter months
  • the approval sets out a maximum spreading rate; in addition, spreading cannot take place within specified distances of sensitive features such as surface water, wells and residences or on steeper sloped areas
  • prior to spreading of hauled sewage, the operator shall ensure the useable spreading area is clearly flagged or digitally designated to clearly identify setbacks from sensitive features and any areas where spreading is not allowed
  • no processed organic waste, grease trap waste or other waste, other than hauled sewage, shall be disposed of at the site
  • approval expires on July 1, 2025


Prior to the spreading of hauled sewage, the operator is responsible for ensuring that all necessary approvals, licences or permits that may be required from other authorities, such as the local municipality, conservation authority, MNRF and OMAFRA, have been acquired.

Comments received

No comments were received.

Effects of consultation

Since we did not receive any comment during the commenting period, there is no impact of comment on the approval.

Third parties are not able to apply for leave to appeal in respect of proposals which were posted while Ontario Regulation 115/20 was in effect between April 1, 2020 and June 14, 2020. Ontario Regulation 115/20 exempted all proposals for instruments from posting requirements under the EBR. Leave to appeal may only be sought in respect of instruments that are required to be posted to the ERO.

Appeal information

Appeals are not allowed. This instrument type cannot be appealed.

Supporting materials

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Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

Timmins District Office

5520 Hwy 101 E
PO Bag 3080
South Porcupine, ON
P0N 1H0

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