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This is absolutely ridiculous! It is cruel, and inhumane. Hunting dogs get plenty of exercise without having to trap other animals. I am completely disgusted and disappointed in the Ontario government for even suggesting this.

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It is a step backwards if the ban lifted. We are responsible to create a more ethical and compassionate society than the one we grew up in and the generations before us. Frankly, it’s disgusting, unethical, and furthering the desensitization to violence of our society. Read more

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I think this proposal is irresponsible and reflects the interests of a very small group of people as opposed to the general public. We should be trying to protect and conserve our dwindling biodiversity, not allowing hunters to ravage it for sport.

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This is a disgusting practice and the changing of the rules should never even have been up for debate. Dogs can figure out natural ways to hunt without disrupting the innocent wildlife, for sport at that.

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This practice needs to be banned and NOT expanded. This is cruel and inhumane and leads to extreme debilitating stress for wild animals kept in captivity and exposed to being chased and hunted over and over until death. Read more

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This is truly barbaric, I can’t believe that you wish to implement this. In this day and age when animals are already being driven out of their habitats to make room for development you wish to put them through this kind of treatment so hunters can train their dogs. Read more

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I am absolutely appalled at the thought of our government wanting to allow this form of hunting in the year 2023. How has humanity become so grotesque. I will NEVER support this, or the people who want to make this happen.

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How can anyone with a heart and compassion come up with something like this! A proposal to gruesomely torture animals for the fun of it! Put yourselves in the pen instead, or ur human kids and watch them be hunted for the fun of it!! Ur not human beings but monsters! Read more

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This is a disgusting act of cruelty towards wildlife! As a person who lives in the country, I see wildlife all the time and couldn’t imagine the fox, coyotes and rabbits being penned up to live a life of fear and stress! For what? Just to train dogs to chase them? Unbelievable and horrendous! Read more

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This is barbaric!! Ontario should be ashamed of even considering this! Canada is already leaps and bounds behind much of the western world when it comes to animal laws and protection. A bill like this only shows how the government bows to the hunting industry. THIS MUST BE STOPPED!

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Like so many of Doug Ford's decisions this is ill-considered, ill-advised and downright cruel. I am disgusted that anyone should consider this any sort of solution to a problem that we ourselves have created. Read more