There is no requirement to post this notice on the Environmental Registry of Ontario, but we wanted to hear your thoughts. Thank you for your feedback.
Update Announcement
This proposal notice has been updated on February 28, 2024 to advise the public that this file/application is still under active review. The ministry is reviewing the comments it has received to date. The original proposal date and comment period have not been altered.
This consultation was open from:
July 20, 2022
to August 19, 2022
Decision summary
The Minister has issued an overall benefit permit under the Endangered Species Act, 2007, to Clubhouse Developments Inc. to allow for the construction of a residential subdivision that will adversely impact Little Brown Myotis, a species at risk bat, and its habitat. The permit includes actions to benefit the species and minimize adverse effects.
Location details
Site address
20 Lloyd Street
L4L 2B9
Site location details
The proposed development is located within the Toronto Board of Trade Golf Course Lands at 20 Lloyd Street, Concession 7, Lots 9 to 12, Woodbridge, Regional Municipality of York, Ontario.
Site location map
The location pin reflects the approximate area where environmental activity is taking place.
View this location on a map opens link in a new windowProponent(s)
Clubhouse Developments Inc.
50 Confederation Parkway
L4K 4T8
Decision details
On October 2, 2024 the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks issued an overall benefit permit to Clubhouse Developments Inc. for Little Brown Myotis, allowing for the development of a residential subdivision within the Toronto Board of Trade Golf Course Lands, located in the Regional Municipality of York, Woodbridge, Ontario.
The permit was issued under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) and authorizes Clubhouse Developments Inc. to:
- damage or destroy up to 0.63 hectares of Little Brown Myotis habitat
Protecting species under the Endangered Species Act
Our government is committed to protecting species at risk and providing strong environmental oversight, while working to support development opportunities in the province.
Businesses, municipalities, and other proponents are expected to take steps to ensure their projects avoid any adverse impacts on species at risk or their habitats. However, where avoidance is not possible, the ESA gives the Minister the discretion to authorize activities if certain conditions can be met.
The permit includes conditions that require Clubhouse Developments Inc. to undertake measures that will:
- minimize adverse effects to Little Brown Myotis
- achieve an overall benefit for Little Brown Myotis within a reasonable timeframe
Actions to minimize adverse effects to species
The permit requires Clubhouse Developments Inc. to undertake actions to minimize adverse effects on Little Brown Myotis, including:
- ensuring that anyone involved in activities authorized or required by the permit receives education and awareness training from a Qualified Professional;
- implementing a series of erosion and sediment control measures;
- adhering to a spill response plan;
- preventing the spread of invasive species;
- undertaking tree removal and site preparation outside of the active season for Little Brown Myotis (i.e., outside April 1 – September 30) to avoid killing, harming or harassing individuals of the species;
- retaining 14.39 hectare of habitat for Little Brown Myotis on the subject property; and
- undertaking corrective actions and adaptive management measures to ensure that intended outcomes are achieved on an ongoing basis from the start of Project Activities.
Actions to achieve an overall benefit to species
The permit requires Clubhouse Developments Inc. to undertake the following actions to achieve an overall benefit for the species within a reasonable timeframe:
- install a minimum of four (4) four-chambered nursery style roosting boxes and three (3) multi-chamber rocket style roosting structures as replacement Little Brown Myotis habitat structures on the subject property;
- plant a minimum of 478 deciduous trees, 70 coniferous trees and 525 shrubs to provide habitat replacement and monitor the replacement habitat structures and plantings and take any necessary corrective actions to ensure the overall benefit actions are successful.
The overall benefit activities are intended to result in:
- increasing the total amount of Little Brown Myotis habitat in the area; and
- improving the quality of habitat for Little Brown Myotis in the area
Government response statement for Little Brown Myotis
Ontario has published a government response statement (GRS) under section 12.1 of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 with respect to Little Brown Myotis. You can access this statement through the ministry’s website: Little Brown Myotis, Northern Myotis and Tri-colored Bat government response statement |
Consideration was given to the GRS and proposed permit conditions align with the objectives in the GRS, including:
- maintaining or improving habitat for Little Brown Myotis
Other information
In addition to not proceeding with the Project, which would avoid adverse effects the species but also not achieve the Project's purpose, the following alternatives were considered:
- Alternative 1: Development plan including retention of the 0.63 hectare woodland proposed to be removed, resulting in the retention of a total of 15.02 ha of suitable habitat for the species on the subject property. If the 0.63 hectare woodland were to be retained within the development plan, its presence and function on the landscape are anticipated to be compromised through stressors such as edge effects and anthropogenic influences. It is possible that these stressors would jeopardize its quality and function as Little Brown Myotis habitat.
- Alternative 2: Development plan involving tree removals outside of the bat active season. This alternative includes the avoidance measure of conducting tree removals outside of the active bat season to minimize harm to the species. It also involves retaining 14.39 hectare of suitable habitat for the species on the subject property.
- Alternative 3: Development plan including tree removal during the bat active season. Included in this alternative is the risk that individuals of the species could be killed, harmed or harassed. However, 14.39 hectare of suitable habitat for the species would be retained on the subject property.
The best alternative, which has been adopted, is Alternative 2 as described above. This option effectively balances the objectives of land development with the need to minimize harm to the species. It achieves this by implementing a timing restriction to avoid the active bad roosting period (April 1 - September 30) and includes the retention of 14.29 hectare of suitable roosting habitat for the Little Brown Myotis on the subject property.
Effects of consultation
One commenter submitted comments after the ERO comment period had closed.
This commenter identified concerns with the avoidance alternatives considered and impacts to bat habitat and indicated that an Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) hearing was forthcoming for the project.
No changes were made to the conditions of the permit as a result of these comments; however, the permitting process was temporarily placed on hold pending the outcome of the OLT hearing.
Supporting materials
View materials in person
Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
40 St. Clair Avenue West
14th Floor
M4V 1M2
How to Appeal
Appeals are not allowed
This instrument type cannot be appealed. Learn more about our consultation process.
Connect with us
Nikki Boucher
3767 Hwy 69 South
P3G 1E7
Original proposal
Why consultation isn't required
We are not required to consult on this permit proposal because it relates to an animal and therefore does not meet the required criteria set out in subsection 1.3(6) of Ontario Regulation 681/94 of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993.
We are voluntarily posting this notice to advise the public of this proposal and to invite the public to submit written comments to the contact person identified in this notice.
Proposal details
Clubhouse Developments Inc. has submitted an application for an overall benefit permit under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) to develop a residential subdivision within the Toronto Board of Trade Golf Course Lands, Woodbridge, Regional Municipality of York, Ontario.
The proposed activities may adversely impact 0.63 ha of Little Brown Myotis habitat.
Protecting species under the Endangered Species Act
Ontario provides protections for species at risk and their habitats under the ESA. Sections 9 and 10 of the Act provide protection for individual members of a species and their habitat if that species is listed on the Species at Risk in Ontario list as either:
- extirpated
- endangered
- threatened
Little Brown Myotis is listed on the Species at Risk in Ontario list, under O. Reg. 230/08 of the ESA as endangered.
The main threat to the survival of Little Brown Myotis is a fungal disease known as white nose syndrome, which affects bats by disrupting their hibernation schedules.
Under clause 17(2)(c) of the ESA, the Minister may issue a permit authorizing a person to engage in an activity that would otherwise be prohibited by sections 9 or 10 of the Act if the Minister believes that:
- an overall benefit to the species will be achieved within a reasonable time through the conditions of the permit
- reasonable alternatives have been considered, including alternatives that would not negatively affect the species, and the best alternative has been adopted
- reasonable steps to minimize negative effects on individual members of the species are required by conditions of the permit
Providing an overall benefit to a protected species under the ESA means improving circumstances for the species in Ontario. Overall benefit is:
- more than "no net loss" or an exchange of "like for like"
- grounded in the protection and recovery of the species at risk
- more than mitigation measures or "replacing" what is lost
Actions to achieve an overall benefit to the species
Clubhouse Developments Inc. is working to identify ways to provide an overall benefit to Little Brown Myotis. These may involve:
- creating 0.69 ha of Little Brown Myotis habitat through reforestation efforts including planting and monitoring:
- 478 deciduous trees
- 70 coniferous trees
- 525 shrubs
- creating roosting habitat for Little Brown Myotis by installing seven artificial bat roosting structures, including:
- four four-chambered nursery style roosting boxes
- three multi-chamber rocket style roosting structures
The proposed actions are anticipated to achieve an overall benefit for Little Brown Myotis by:
- establishing habitat for the species through reforestation efforts
- installing bat roosting structures
Furthermore, the installation of the two different styles of bat roosting structures (i.e. four-chambered vs. multi-chambered) will provide insight on roosting structures preferred by bat species.
Reasonable alternatives being considered
Clubhouse Developments Inc. has explored a range of alternatives, including alternatives that would not adversely affect Little Brown Myotis. These include:
- altering the development design to retain all of the woodland area that is considered habitat for Little Brown Myotis
- undertaking tree and vegetation removal activities outside the active bat season
- undertaking tree and vegetation removal activities during the active bat season
- not proceeding with the proposed development
Clubhouse Developments Inc. has concluded that the best alternative for carrying out the proposed development is to conduct all tree and vegetation removal activities outside of the active bat season, between October 1 and March 31, while achieving an overall benefit to the species through the proposed permit conditions.
Actions to minimize negative effects to the species
Clubhouse Developments Inc. is seeking ways to minimize adverse effects on Little Brown Myotis. These may include:
- ensuring that a Qualified Professional provides Little Brown Myotis awareness training to all on-site personnel
- removing trees outside of the active period for Little Brown Myotis
- retaining 14.39 ha of woodland area that is considered habitat for Little Brown Myotis.
Other Information
The Province has published a government response statement under section 12.1 of the ESA with respect to Little Brown Myotis.
A copy of the government response statement for Little Brown Myotis is available at: Little Brown Myotis, Northern Myotis and Tri-colored Bat government response statement |
This response statement will be considered in:
- determining whether or not to approve the permit
- developing any future permit conditions
Posting this proposal on the Environmental Registry does not imply that we will issue a permit. A permit may only be issued where the legal requirements set out in clause 17(2)(c) of the ESA have been satisfied.
Supporting materials
View materials in person
Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
40 St. Clair Avenue West
14th Floor
M4V 1M2
Commenting is now closed.
This consultation was open from July 20, 2022
to August 19, 2022
Connect with us
Nikki Boucher
3767 Hwy 69 South
P3G 1E7
Comments received
Through the registry
0By email
1By mail