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Wetland habitat is one of the most important ecosystems we have on the river. It should be protected at all costs. This is where fish come to breed, animals come to find food, and a reprieve from the already encroaching human development. Read more

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Bill 23 is not about building more diverse housing or making life more affordable for Ontario citizens. It is about enriching developers. Professional municipal staff in Guelph have confirmed that there is nothing in the legislation that will deliver rent-geared-to-income affordability. Read more

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Review Comments on proposed update to OWES Pages 4 & 5– evaluator doesn’t have to consult local MNRF district to ensure that the correct manual is used in situations where the Ecoregion is uncertain – WRONG MANUAL COULD BE USED IF MNRF CONSULTATION IS ELIMINATED Read more

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CAFES Ottawa (Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability)

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We believe that the proposed changes to the Ontario Wetlands Evaluation System will have a very adverse impact on wetlands' protection. In particular, - wetland complexes need to be evaluated as a whole, not in pieces. Read more

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Building more houses by opening development on wetlands is not a solution to the housing crisis. The looming climate crisis already puts hundreds of thousands of Canadian's homes at risk of damage from more severe weather and flooding. Read more

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Proposed Updates to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System ERO number 019-6160 This letter is the Historic Saugeen Métis response to proposed Bill 23, More Holmes Built Faster Act 2022, Schedule 2 and the Proposed Updates to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System. Read more

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Our efforts to provide more housing should be centered on our Cities and urban centers; our environment is a finite resource and should not be paved over to provide more opportunities for rich developers that are already doing well. Read more

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This proposal, though convenient to developers, is scary and ignorant. Wetlands are critical to water filtration, flood retention, erosion control, carbon storage, nutrient cycling and groundwater recharge. Wetlands are NOT wastelands. I wholeheartedly plead you to not let this pass. Read more