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Allowing development in the Greenbelt will not solve the housing crisis and this decision will contribute to climate change, for the following reasons: 1. Trading already protected urban river valley lands for Greenbelt lands will not result in a net gain for the Greenbelt. Read more

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Why are we paving over our green belt when our cities and suburbs have hugely under utilized space? We should be focused on improving that develop spaces we already have, improving public transportation, neighborhood composition, walkability/bikability, etc. Read more

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As a life long resident of Ontario I believe the green belt is an essential part of our province. I feel as though it is incredibly important to have all this nature surrounding our cities and it’s necessary that we keep that green space safe and protected. Read more

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There are definitely people more qualified than me to speak on this, but I’m a student in Urban Planning and I truly want to see my province of birth become a great place to live. Ontario doesn’t need more McMansions, power centers, strip malls and highways. Read more

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Ontario is in dire need of new homes. It is also a chance for us to make our cities more vibrant, instead of opting for low density sprawl. Moderate density can help us reach the balance between good quality of life and economies of scale to support local development. Read more