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We’ve had enough of Ford destroying the environment instead of handling real problems. I am very against this amendment as a citizen who lives in the area. This is a a deflection while Ford destroys our medical and education systems and funnels Ontario’s money into the pockets of his buddies. Read more

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How exactly are new green belt areas being created? Destroying more wetlands and forests? Just leave the green belt and wetlands alone, once the wetlands are gone, and the species, many already at risk that reside there are gone, you can’t get them back. Read more

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This is a ludicrous idea that will destabilize ecosystems that Ontario needs. What the province needs is not necessarily more houses. It needs a government who is willing to fix the housing crisis we currently have due to inflated housing and rent prices. Read more

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Protect the green belt! Our planet is actively dying! 22 degrees in November? I couldn’t even enjoy it because of how stressed I am by the repercussions of the weather. Humans have destroyed so much of this land and now you want to destroy even more? Read more

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Hello, I have concerns about the re-zoning and planned building in the greenbelt. We are sacrificing beautiful, precious, fertile land for 'builders grade' cookie cutter small housing an hour plus outside of Toronto. This is not where the housing crisis is. Read more

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This is terrible! We must protect our green space! We must protect the environment! Doug Ford you have lost my vote! You campaigned to do the opposite of this! My household is appalled and you’ve lost all of our votes! Work on a REALISTIC plan to solve the housing crisis, because this is NOT it!!

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Stop ruining natural habitats to build mansions for the rich. You promised that you wouldn’t touch the green belt before you got elected. You don’t have to live this future, we do. You’ll be long gone by the time the effects of your negligence and greed around the future of young people in Ontario. Read more