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I don’t believe this proposal will help our current failing environment. This will not be affordable housing but more million dollar homes for the rich. Let’s look at utilizing current buildings and architecture and providing homes for low income households. Read more

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Opening parts of the Greenbelt for development goes against the recommendations of your environmental committees, the majority of of Ontarios, and promises the Ford government has made several times. I am NOT in favour of this BLATANT favouritism of wealthy developers.

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There are plenty of ways to provide affordable housing that DON’T destroy one of our most precious features of Canada. Green space is vital, not only to people who enjoy and want to preserve our beautiful land but also to the unique and beautiful flora and fauna. Read more

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This is not going to be affordable housing. You will sell it off to the highest bidding developer and it will be expensive townhouses and apartments nobody can afford. If they can afford it at first you got rid of the rent cap so they will jack up the price after. Read more

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You promised not to touch the green belt. How are we to believe anything you say going forward (including the 2026 election). Didn't you learn your lesson to not be dependent on other countries for food and supplies from Covid. Now you're taking out local sources of food. Read more

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I am opposed to using land outside of urban areas. You will be forcing people to move away from city centres thereby forcing them to put gas in the their cars and drive into cities. More gas stations? We need less gas stations and please leave the wild life where it is!!! Read more

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We will not stand with Doud Ford. We will fight for our “PROTECTED” Greenbelt. Our Greenbelt provides necessary greenspace for Future generations. Doug Ford and his rich friends will make more money from selling our future and our children’s future, for their pocketbook. FORD HAS TO GO!!! Read more

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This is protected and important land that needs to remain conserved. Rob is trying to destroy our planet further and is going against what he originally stated. This is unacceptable and needs to be stopped. He is ruining out province. We will not be silent as he does this.

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Urban sprawl and decimating green space is not the answer for future and present generations. We need to look at places in Europe where they utilize spaces more efficiently and improve population density. Proper population density makes mass transit more efficient. STOP the expansion.

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I am strongly opposed to this ammendment. The Greenbelt protects our farm land, watershed, and natural habitats/ecosystems, and should be cherished and protected, not developed. Destroying the Greenbelt to build more houses will not solve the economic and housing crisis. Read more

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The Greenbelt should not be something that should ever be considered for development. It is protected land for a reason and houses important habitats for native species and a number of endangered species. The Paris-Galt moraine is a groundwater recharge. Read more