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Doug Ford and Minister Clark have overstepped. Your goal is noble to make housing more affordable, but we can do that by increasing density within city boundaries. The loss of our farmland will cement your legacy as a premier with good intentions but simple ideas that do not reflect reality. Read more

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The greenbelt is so important, please do not destroy whole ecosystems, plant and animal life, as well as important historically Indigenous land. Taking this away to sell it and build condos to make a quick buck is amoral and horrible for the environment. It is protected land for a reason! Read more

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Doug Ford made a promise that he would not develop the Greenbelt and that the lands would remain protected. Ford lied about protecting the Greenbelt. I am tired of having promises repeatedly made and broken. We don’t need more housing. We need affordable housing. Read more

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I am deeply disappointed to hear that the government is planning to pursue these actions, especially when Premier Ford promised he would not. Canada's greatest strength is our natural resources and beauty, and they should be protected for future generations to appreciate and enjoy. Read more

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Using the green belt to build more homes would be devastating loss to the environment. There are other ways to go about building more homes, perhaps using empty office buildings in Toronto to make high income and affordable housing, something we need in Toronto.

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I oppose Doug Ford’s changes to the green belt. It is not his place to remove protected forests, which he previously said he wouldn’t do. I firmly believe he is doing this for the wrong reasons. Please protect the green belt for Ontariens, for my children, and for future generations. Read more

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There are so many better solutions to housing. Please do not touch the greenbelt!! Ford is doing this to appease developers who donated large sums to his party. It is not ok. Any changes should be approved by the conservation authorities. leave this land for future generations, please. Read more

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I don't understand or agree with what you are doing. You have a housing crises and are saying it's because of the immigrants? That is not the reason. If we have a housing problem why not just lower the prices? For the importance of the earth and human survival we need the green belt. Read more