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Many cities have empty buildings/ lots downtown. That is where the focus on development needs to be. Infrastructure is in place to support affordable and accessible housing. Depleting farmland and depleting forests in the north to create farm land is short sighted.

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This is an obscene, short-sighted proposal to build housing that only rich people will be able to afford. Once this land is removed from Ontario’s greenbelt it is gone forever, replaced by a house in a subdivision with 3 cars where people have to drive everywhere. Read more

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I am completely opposed to any use of the Greenbelt other than for its original purpose, i.e., farming and conservation. Adding property to this area, including areas in the Paris region, would be welcomed. We must protect the Oak Ridges moraine at all costs. Read more

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Please do NOT develop on the Greenbelt! We need the precious, irreplaceable soil to grow food! We need the wetlands to prevent floods and clean water, as well as protect species that live there. We have enough land to develop and this land is not needed. Read more

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As a young person, growing up in southern ontario in the 1980s and 1990s, the value and necessity of green spaces and corridors through urban and rural environments was made clear to us. Our generation gathered the data and showed the science that eventually led to the legislation of green spaces. Read more

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I feel very strongly that this move to open the greenbelt is a terrible idea for the future of our communities and our environments. It is not a move to develop affordable housing and help people who truly need a roof above their head, it is simply to line the pockets of developers. Read more

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Shame on the government, and Doug Ford, for this plan aimed at enriching private developers at the expense of our environment. This plan will do nothing to alleviate the affordable housing crisis. It will leave tax payers on the hook for millions in lost development costs. Read more