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I cannot understand why we need to do this . Climate change is really a concern . We will need farmland and our green space for protection. I say no to this Bill ..

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This legislations move to development in rural and farming lands is moving in the exact opposite direction from what Ontario needs. We need to increase density in areas with access to public transit and existing services. Read more

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Existing serviced green and brown lands in cities are sufficient for the expected urban growth in southern Ontario without the need for any expansion into the Greenbelt as proposed by these two bills. Read more

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With an increased number of individuals moving to Southern Ontario we are in an affordable housing crisis. However; that cannot supersede the potential for future food scarcity by removing locally grown produce. Read more

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look about you. wars are caused by food insecurity, then radicals infiltrate the populations. over 300 acres removed each day in Ontario from the 5% of arable land in Ontario, do the math. Yep, I could subdivide two of my farm lots, site Class 2 , and make $40. k each. Read more

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Please reconsider this - the permanent loss of our good agricultural land due to more housing and sprawl is not the answer. We need to protect our environment and agricultural lands in order to survive. Read more

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I am not in favour of using prime farmland for new housing development as proposed in Bill 97! We need our rural farmland, not urban sprawl! Look to redeveloping urban areas that have been turned into ‘slum’ areas first! Clamp down on the landlords who allow buildings to exist in such disrepair.

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I oppose Bill 97, and believe strongly that it should not be passed. Farmland in Ontario is being destroyed at a very alarming rate due to housing projects. Read more

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The joke is, you can build surveys but a farmer can’t cut trees down without being attacked, charged and destroyed by an over reaching tree bylaw and it’s unelected officials. A bylaw officer who doesn’t even swear an oath to serve, protect and uphold the laws. Read more

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While we, Ontario are growing be must not allow change in status or allowance to build upon currently protected areas. Housing can be built on SMALLER LOTS and at GREATER DISTANCE instead of plundering our Nature areas and preserves. Read more

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Agriculture and golf courses for example are businesses that contribute to the economy. Hurting that to build houses would hurt the economy. Urban sprawl has to stop. It affects the climate, agriculture, and recreational lands that people love to use to get away from the cities. Read more

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I am amazed at the willingness of the government to abandon farmland in favour of housing. If anything we should be looking to increase population density within existing built-up areas. Please reconsider this so we can continue to have family-owned farms stay within the family.