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Please consider lot severance or the old retirement lot creation. In order for some families to carry on farm and property legacy while allowing parents or other family members to not have to sell the farm as a whole. Read more

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At first blush this sounds like the application of urban/suburban planning will apply to every square inch of the province. The only limits on opening up land for housing and related development appears to be to avoid hazardous sites and to mitigate for natural disasters. Read more

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Urban sprawl is not the answer, increase intensification zones in cities instead of encroaching on prime farmland. I see it in my community of Niagara on the Lake where more residents are in constant struggles with farms due to odour and other types of agricultural pollution. Read more

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I grew up on a small family farm in South Western Ontario. My father and grandfather bought the land specifically because it was so rich and fertile. I would hate to think how they would feel if that rich soil was corrupted by concrete and lay dead beneath it. Read more

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Ontario needs more houses. We all are aware of that fact. However, we should NOT be using prime farmland to do so. The cost of food is sky high right now, and being able to supply food to feed our country should be high on the list of important things to make sure we are doing. Read more

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We do not want urban sprawl in farmlands. We do not want urban sprawl in greenbelts. Please rethink your plans. Why destroy farmland and greenbelt? It is precious! Read more

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Please don't build in the greenbelt. Improve existing infrastructure and continue making city centers more walkable with improved transit. Why are we not following the example of cities with tried and true urban planning. Read more

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This policy will prevent our kids moving away from Ontario to another province with a low cost home price. As they work remotly, they are looking for less expensive place to live! As parents we love kids live near when we get older! Read more

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We are absolutely horrified about this whole undemocratic process that Mr Ford has created. We have farmed for over 2 generations and we are good stewards of the land. This government needs to learn to build up, not out. Once the farm land is gone, it's gone. Read more

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For your regards, If anything should be changed about farmland for the benefit of future generations it should restoring the land into forests of diverse native species. With enough effort and guidance from our Indigenous hosts we can build new cities for all on top of the Canadian Shield. Read more

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I am writing to express my strong opposition to proposed changes to the Provincial Policy Statement, 2022 (PPS) and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan). These changes would accelerate urban sprawl and the ongoing loss of farmland and natural areas in Ontario. Read more

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Premier Ford is backing up on his BIG SPLASH “Read my lips…” regarding the untouchability of The Greenbelt. Being the trustworthy man that he is, I find this incomprehensible… using the Greenbelt to solve the affordable housing problem? I am aghast at this reversal! This revelation! Read more

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There is limited farm land in this province and country. The idea of putting homes on farm land is idiocy. Ontario needs more housing. That is a fact, but we will always, always, require food to support our population. Once farm land is gone it cannot return. Read more

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The government should remove its plan to build more housing and other infrastructure on the Greenbelt. This plan is destroying our natural world as we know it, devaluing our communities and having disastrous effects on our ecosystems and mental health. Read more

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We have so many unused buildings that are an eyesore within the city, fix them and leave the farm land alone, we won’t have any open natural spaces left. We need farmland for a sustainable community.

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I liked the idea of being able to severe land from farms. We own a farm but are unable to severe any lots because it is considered rural. We do not work the land ourselves but rent out the land. However less than 1 minute down the road there's no problem severing. Read more