Amendment to the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act (PTHIA)

ERO number
Notice type
Posted by
Ministry of Transportation
Notice stage
Decision Updated
Decision posted
Comment period
February 20, 2024 - March 28, 2024 (37 days) Closed
Last updated

Update Announcement

The proposal was originally published on February 20, 2024 for 30 days with comment period ending March 21, 2024. On March 20, 2024 we extended the comment period for another 7 days (to March 28, 2024).

This consultation was open from:
February 20, 2024
to March 28, 2024

Decision summary

The amendment to the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act (PTHIA) to prohibit Ontario from introducing any new tolling of provincially owned and/or operated highways, as part of the proposed Bill, 162, Get it Done Act, 2024, recently passed Third Reading in the legislature. As a result, this amendment will be implemented.

Decision details

The purpose of this legislative change is to add a measure to the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act (PTHIA) to prohibit Ontario from introducing any new tolling of provincially owned and/or operated highways. This legislative amendment is expected to provide increased certainty to Ontario drivers that any future government would need to undertake legislative changes and potential public consultation before considering new tolls.

The decision to pass this amendment was made on the Third Reading of Bill 162, Get It Done Act, 2024 on May 8, 2024. 

Comments received

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Effects of consultation

A total of three comments were received. The comments did not impact the passing of the amendment.

Themes across the comments focus on the need for investments in public transportation to provide accessible mobility options for Ontarians; and the loss of biodiversity from the introduction of new highways.

The government is committed to support growing communities and provide relief to families and individuals by investing $1.9B in transit and transportation initiatives.

Work is underway on four priority subway projects in the GTA, including the Ontario Line, three-stop Scarborough Subway Extension, Yonge North Subway Extension into York Region, and the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension, and planned connection to Pearson International Airport, one of the largest employment areas in Canada. These transit projects are vital to alleviating gridlock.

The government is also committed to keeping transit costs down for commuters by introducing the One Fare program, which is intended to save daily riders on participating systems an average of $1,600 each year.

By banning any new tolls on new and existing provincial highways, the government is keeping costs down for drivers.

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Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

System Optimization Office

438 University Ave., 12th floor
Toronto , ON
M5G 2K8

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Original proposal

ERO number
Notice type
Posted by
Ministry of Transportation
Proposal posted

Comment period

February 20, 2024 - March 28, 2024 (37 days)

Proposal details

The Government of Ontario:

Is helping to get shovels in the ground sooner on new roads, highways and public transit to reduce gridlock, help ensure we have housing for a growing population and move the province’s economy forward. Believes in supporting workers, families and businesses with policies that keep costs down and make life easier and more convenient, including banning new tolls on public highways.

Under this legislation, the province is proposing to amend an MTO statute, the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act (PTHIA), to prohibit Ontario from introducing any new tolls on provincial highways.

The legislative amendment may result in a more efficient use of existing provincial highways as barriers associated with travel costs are minimized.

Additionally, the amended legislation could help with reducing potential congestion impacts to neighbouring local roads, if drivers are seeking to avoid additional tolls on adjacent highways. This may help reduce transportation-related emissions by minimizing congestion.

Supporting materials

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Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

System Optimization Office

438 University Ave., 12th floor
Toronto , ON
M5G 2K8


Commenting is now closed.

This consultation was open from February 20, 2024
to March 28, 2024

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