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I disagree with this 24/7 dump being developed in such close proximity to a community…. There is a creek running through the site that empties into the Sydenham river which houses at least 80 species of fish and 34 species of fresh water mussels some of these are on the endangered species list. Read more

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an approval as a land fill site over forty years ago is not a valid reason to not have an environmental assessment now. Locating a new large landfill so closer to a town is certainly not a reasonable course of action. The potential for contamination leeching out would seem to be a huge concern. Read more

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I am a resident of Chatham-Kent. I am concerned about this proposal. I would like to request that an environmental assessment be ordered before any project is considered for approval. Thank you.

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I do not want a landfill less than 1 km from where I live in Dresden. Safety is an issue and also air quality and traffic on our roads. We need to protect Mollys Creek, the Sydenham, wildlife and farmland from York 1. I do not want to breathe in the pollution from this landfill. Read more

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The idea of a landfill being built so close to a town is nothing new for instance the WM landfill near Petrolia and also near the town of Watford are two that stick out in our rural area of Ontario. Read more

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I am totally against the use of this site for a dumping ground, it will destroy the local envirorment, surely there is a better and safer location north east of the GTA.

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An environmental assessment should be a mandatory requirement after a lengthy lapse in a previously approved site plan. The Dresden dump has been dormant and was approved many years ago under different circumstances, operating expectations and environmental oversight.

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Chatham-Kent already is doing its share of handling waste from other Municipalities. Why are we being subjected to this? We are in the middle of the great lakes a beautiful and necessary fresh water supply. The thought of further polluting this area is ridiculous at best. Read more

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Lived in Dresden all my life. Great small town. This proposed landfill will not be good for Dresden. Too close to the town and the site is too close to the Sydenham River. We do not need this and I feel it will end up causing numerous issues which they are not addressing. Read more

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How can we even be considering this without an environmmental study? We cannot start dumping thousands upon thousands of pounds of unfilter garbage in a rural community and not expect that to have a huge effect on local wildlife and local agriculture. Read more

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I support all business entry into the CK area provided that the business will create quality, full time, gainful employment opportunities to residents, bring innovative technologies to our area, and are an environmental and economic benefit to the region. Read more

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I live in the area and am very concerned, I would like to know if there are more environmental studies that will take place to ensure that the water ways and land will be safe.

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I am totally opposed to the operation nd expansion of this site. The location is too close to the town, residents and sensitive aquatic areas including groundwater.

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With the red flags that have been raised over this dump proposal it is hard to believe the Government has not already put an end to it. When applying Bill 197 this dump location does not meet the criteria for a dump. Read more

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Coming home from town today, there were large farm vehicles on the road, I am not complaining about that, this is a farm community, I am thinking these vehicles, school buses transporting students to and from school scares me to think add on 700 trucks carrying garbage on our roads. Read more