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This proposal should go no further until the proponent has submitted complete and thorough Environmental Impact Assessment, Traffic Impact and Hydrogeological reports and the municipality has been given the opportunity to review and debate the contents of the reports that should be submitted.

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In 2024 how can there possibly be a landfill opening that hasn't had a proper environmental impact study? As a resident of CK I oppose this proposal until a study is completed and results published.

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A full comprehansive environmental assessment is needed for this property. There has never been a proper assessment of the property. Read more

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We need to have a full environmental assessment done for York 1 proposal for a mega dump, it is much too close to our town, it is preposterous to think of a dump that size and to think of a 24 hour operation at this site. There is so much wrong with this

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Why do 5hey hav todo e to a farming area? There are lots of other places for them to go. Also, why so secretive about what they are doing? They tried to slip through and get this done without anyone knowing until it was too late. Read more

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Environmental assessment is necessary, would prefer the stopping this project ASAP for the safety of our community, children families and more.

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I am not in favour of the proposal. My concerns surround 1)increased pollution, noise, light, and waste 2)impacts to our water way and the local ecosystem 3) lack of infrastructure -roadways to support increase in activity 4) location -very close to town and residential property’s. Read more

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Please consider the children. They don’t deserve to go to school around a dump or have to deal with that much traffic affecting their walk or ride to school. It is too close to our community to safely proceed. Truck fumes, rain pollutants, dust and many other toxins will negative impact our town. Read more

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Please don't ruin this beautiful town with garbage from Toronto. Like Watford, could they not have bought property off the hwy instead of trucking it through many communities.

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Think about all that will be effected from the proposed dump , in Dresden Ontario, that York 1 want to do. We believe, as residents of Chatham Kent, believe this proposal of this dump is wrong for so many reasons. Read more

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I cannot believe the Ministry of the Environment would even entertain the thoughts of putting York 1's MEGA DUMP less than 1km outside of Dresden Ontario. There is no positive side to this insane idea. Read more

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I am against this!! This is our community not a dumping zone. Does anyone care being so close to a town, schools, children, endangered species location, historical site, a cemetery..our water...increased safety hazard due to transportation rural area.....our health in general. Read more

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This recycling, dump should not be allowed so close to a town. It is less than 1 km from Dresden. We need at least a 3.5 km distance from the landfill to the town or abutting homes. The amount of trucks going through this town with only one main street will be too much for our infrastructure. Read more

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This environmental assessment needs to happen. Dresden is rich in history including along Molly’s creek and the Sydenham River. Dresden is recognized by professional historians and academics at the international, national and provincial levels.

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It’s pretty simple - York 1’s proposal does not fit the proposed site purchased by York 1 I can reiterate all the reasons - but you’ve heard them before. Listen up - our environment our residents our roadways our town proper and outlining areas are not suitable.