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Dresden needs help against York 1s proposal for a landfill that is closer to our town than any government documents record as safe. To think York 1 is going to be able to put a huge dump 0.5 km from Dresden is scary and unbelievable. It is documented that even 3.5 km- 5 km away is not safe. Read more

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Dresden Ontario is not a reasonable fit for York 1s landfill that will be unsafe with the proximity and size for all residents involved. The methane that is released due to the decomposing waste is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global climate. Read more

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Help me understand how GTA YORK 1 is able to come to Dresden and put a landfill in an area that is detrimental to our health and safety? Traffic that will add 700 trucks to our roads that are already congested with agricultural and farm machinery 9 months out of the year and school Read more

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Southwestern Ontario has the most fertile land in Canada. Why would u use it for a dump??? Take it north and put it in a rock not in workable ground. Read more

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- To close to the river - This will ruin our town - Unsafe with that many trucks coming into our small town passing by two schools

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An environmental assessment is absolutely necessary. Dresden is less than 1km from this proposed location and this will put all residents at risk. The Ministry itself states that a landfill within 3.5 kilometres from a town can cause adverse effects. Read more

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Keep the dump out of the small town. Many creeks and rivers run through here. The community is not welcoming this landfill and they will be heard loud and clear.

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With all the endangered species in our area we definitely need an assessment down! This small little town doesn’t want a dump. York 1 needs to find areas in the GTA and leave this tiny community alone!!

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Yes an environmental assessment needs to happen!! This site is way too close to a small town. Many things have changed since this site was last used as a dumping ground. Read more

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Thank you; I am concerned about this Dump proposal being so near the Town of Dresden (800M) away, this is not right. The exposure to asbestos and crushed concrete, which has and gives off silica sand Read more

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Dresden needs Full Environmental Access and not withPremier Ford as has he stated on National TV in Windsor stating if Dresden doesn’t want the Dump they don’t have to have it. Has heard since he got a huge donation to his campaign from guess who? York1!!

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This proposal is absolutely absurd to have such a facility close to the town of Dresden. Where does common sense play where this kind of environment is so toxic to the residents of Dresden. Find a place that is not near residents or water.

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An environmental assessment needs to happen. This property has. Ever had an assessment. The health effects of breaking down old building material and concrete puts the entire town of Dresden at risk for asbestos and silicosis. Noise pollution is another concern as well. Read more

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Please do not let York 1 proceed without a comprehensive environmental assessment. This location is a terrible location for any landfill let alone one of this magnitude. Read more

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An environmental assessment absolutely needs to happen! A lot has changed since the 80s and as such, Dresden has increasingly been expanding as of recent. This location - so close to a highly populated area - is of poor taste. Read more

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An environmental assessment is the very LEAST we can expect when this company is proposing what it is so close to this town. It’ll be too little too late after the fact!

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York1 has come out stating this WILL be a Garbage Dump transfer station.. ( it's written on their own website..) 500 meters from our town.. Read more