Approved amendment to the Nottawasaga Valley Assessment Report and associated South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Plan for the Nottawasaga Valley Source Protection Area.

ERO number
Notice type
Clean Water Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 22
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Bulletin posted
Last updated

This notice is for informational purposes only. There is no requirement to consult on this initiative on the Environmental Registry of Ontario. Learn more about the types of notices on the registry.

Bulletin summary

The Minister has approved an amendment to the Nottawasaga Valley Assessment Report and South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Plan to update the Shelburne drinking water system vulnerable areas to accommodate increased water taking at one of the wells located in the Grand River Source Protection Area

Why consultation isn't required

This bulletin advises that the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has approved the amendments to the Nottawasaga Valley Assessment Report and South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Plan proposed by the Lake Simcoe Source Protection Authority in accordance with section 34 of the Clean Water Act, 2006 (CWA). 

Public notice for approvals of source protection plans, and amendments or updates to these plans, are governed by the CWA and not the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993. Consultation as per the CWA has been completed, and this notice on the ERO serves to notify the public of the approval.


Bulletin details

The CWA ensures communities protect their drinking water supplies through prevention – by developing collaborative, watershed-based source protection plans that are locally driven and based on science.


The Shelburne Water Supply System consists of six groundwater supply wells: 4 within the Nottawasaga Valley Source Protection Area and 2 within the Grand River Source Protection Area. Increasing water demand on the Shelburne Water Supply System has driven the need for increased water taking from one of the wells, which required a groundwater study to evaluate and update the wellhead protection areas and vulnerability scores. This study employed an improved representation of the geologic layers and so updated estimates of groundwater recharge in all 6 wells were incorporated into amendment and a WHPA-E was delineated for two wells in Nottawasaga Valley, where it has been demonstrated that groundwater is under the direct influence of surface water.

 The Lake Simcoe Source Protection Authority held consultations while the amendments were being developed. Consultation was held from January 25, 2023 to March 8, 2023 and again from April 15, 2024 to May 22, 2024. Pursuant to the Clean Water Act, 2006, they invited comments from:

  • implementing bodies (including provincial government ministries and local municipalities)
  • the public and affected landowners
  • First Nations with reserves in the affected area

One question was submitted to the SPA requesting clarification which was provided by the SPA to the member of the public before submitting the proposed amendments to the Ministry for approval.

The Minister has concluded that the comments the source protection authority received during consultation on the Nottawasaga Valley Assessment Report and South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Plan amendments have been adequately considered and addressed, and that the requirements under the Clean Water Act, 2006 relating to the amendments have been met.

These amendments take effect upon this posting of the Minister’s approval on the Environmental Registry. The approved amendments to the Nottawasaga Valley Assessment Report and South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Plan are available on the South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Region’s website.

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Jennifer McKay

Phone number
Conservation and Source Protection Branch

40 St Clair Ave W
14th Flr
Toronto, ON
M4V 1M2

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