City of Burlington - Approval to amend a municipality’s official plan

Instrument type: Approval to amend a municipality’s official plan

ERO number
Ministry reference number
Notice type
Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Notice stage
Proposal posted
Comment period
July 26, 2024 - September 9, 2024 (45 days) Open
Last updated

This consultation closes at 11:59 p.m. on:
September 9, 2024

Proposal summary

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has received adopted Official Plan Amendment No. 2 (OPA No. 2) from the City of Burlington for a decision. OPA No. 2 proposes to amend the text and schedules of the existing Burlington Official Plan 2020 to direct future development within three Major Transit Station Areas (MTSA) in Burlington.

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City of Burlington
426 Brant Street, PO Box 5013
Burlington, ON
L7R 3Z6

Proposal details

On June 27, 2024, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing received for a decision the City of Burlington’s proposed Official Plan Amendment (OPA) No. 2 (By-law 45-2024), which was adopted by the City’s Council on June 18, 2024.

The More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23) made changes that will when in effect remove statutory powers under the Planning Act from seven upper-tier municipalities identified in the legislation. The effective date for Halton Region is July 1, 2024. As such, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing is now the approval authority for official plans and official plan amendments for lower-tier municipalities in Halton Region.

The Ministry will review the matter for consistency and conformity with applicable provincial land use policies and plans and will consider all feedback received before presenting any potential modifications to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for a decision in accordance with section 17 of the Planning Act.

The proposed OPA No. 2 contains detailed land use policies to support implementation of Protected Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) in three locations in the City of Burlington. If approved, the proposed amendment would apply to all lands within the three Protected MTSAs.

If approved, proposed OPA No. 2 will apply to the following areas:

Burlington Urban Growth Centre/Burlington GO Major Transit Station Area:

Lands within an approximate 800m radius of the Burlington GO Station, as shown on Attachment 1 to OPA No. 2.

Aldershot GO Major Transit Station Area:

Lands within an approximate 800m radius of the Aldershot GO Station, as shown on Attachment 2 to OPA No. 2.

Appleby GO Major Transit Station Area:

Lands within an approximate 800m radius of the Appleby GO Station, as shown on Attachment 3 to OPA No. 2.

The proposed OPA No. 2 outlines policies which, if approved, would allow the City to implement a Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) within the Protected MTSAs. The CPPS policies would provide guidance and requirements for density targets, complete communities, a range and mix of housing options (e.g., affordable housing requirements), among other matters.

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