This consultation was open from:
December 11, 2024
to January 25, 2025
Proposal summary
This proposal is for the renewal of Environmental Compliance Approval No. 7301-CD9UJC for 2214521 Ontario Ltd. for a Hauled Sewage Waste Disposal Site. The application is for the surface spreading of residential hauled sewage in the Town of Deep River, Ontario.
Location details
Site address
61 McAnulty Road
Deep River,
K0J 1P0
Site location map
The location pin reflects the approximate area where environmental activity is taking place.
View this location on a map opens link in a new windowProponent(s)
2214521 Ontario Ltd.
61 McAnulty Road
Deep River,
K0J 1P0
Proposal details
Hauled sewage, commonly known as septage, is the waste material removed from portable toilets, sewage holding tanks and septic systems. Untreated hauled sewage from holding tanks and septic tanks may be disposed of on land in accordance with an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) issued under the Environmental Protection Act (EPA).
This proposal is for the issuance of an Environmental Compliance Approval for a hauled sewage disposal site.
Site Details
- Site Location: 61 McAnulty Road, Deep River (see Map of Site Location)
- Application Type: Renewal
- Total Useable Area: 2.18 hectares
- Type of Disposal: Surface Spreading
Conditions on the Environmental Compliance Approval include requirements to develop and follow spill response procedures, train staff and maintain records. The approval also includes the following operational requirements:
- No Hauled Sewage shall be spread or disposed of at the Site when the ground is frozen, ice-covered or snow covered.
- No Hauled Sewage shall be spread at the Site under conditions where Hauled Sewage, may runoff or discharge from the Site.
- Hauled sewage cannot be spread during winter months.
- The approval sets out a maximum spreading rate. In addition, spreading cannot take place within specified distances of sensitive features such as surface water, wells and residences or on steeper sloped areas.
- Prior to spreading of hauled sewage, the operator shall ensure the useable spreading area is clearly flagged or digitally designated to clearly identify setbacks from sensitive features and any areas where spreading is not allowed.
- No processed organic waste, grease trap waste or other waste, other than Hauled Sewage, shall be disposed of at the Site.
Prior to the spreading of hauled sewage, the operator is responsible for ensuring that all necessary approvals, licences or permits that may be required from other authorities, such as the local municipality, conservation authority, MNRF and OMAFRA, have been acquired.
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1st Floor
M4V 1P5
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Client Services and Permissions Branch
135 St Clair Ave West
1st Floor
M4V 1P5
Commenting is now closed.
The comment period was from December 11, 2024
to January 25, 2025