Request for a Minister’s Zoning Order for a long-term care facility in the City of Mississauga

ERO number
Notice type
Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Notice stage
Proposal posted
Comment period
January 21, 2025 - February 20, 2025 (30 days) Open
Last updated

There is no requirement to post this notice on the Environmental Registry of Ontario, but we want to hear your thoughts. Submit a comment and tell us what you think. Learn about the consultation process and types of notices on the registry.

This consultation closes at 11:59 p.m. on:
February 20, 2025

Proposal summary

MMAH received requests from the Minister of Long-Term Care and the City of Mississauga to make a Minister’s Zoning Order for a long-term care home in the City of Mississauga. The Ministry is seeking input on whether this request should be considered and any additional information that may help inform the Minister’s decision-making.

Why consultation isn't required

Part II of the Environmental Bill of Rights Act, 1993 does not apply to proposals to make a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) under subsection 47(1) of the Planning Act, or to amend or revoke an MZO under subsection 47(8) of the Planning Act.

Although not required, the ministry is providing public notice of this request for consultation.

Proposal details

A Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO), made pursuant to clause 47(1)(a) of the Planning Act, regulates the use of land and the erection, location and use of any building or structure on the land, and prevails over the existing municipal zoning by-law to the extent there is any conflict.

The Minister is considering requests from the Minister of Long-term Care and City of Mississauga to make an enhanced Minister’s Zoning Order for the lands at 1699 Dundas Street East in the City of Mississauga. The site is approximately 1.64 hectares in size and is located on the north side of Dundas Street East. See link to location map below.

The site is currently occupied by the St. Mina and St. Kyrillos Church and St. Mary’s Food Bank, with associated parking and some vacant land. The existing buildings and uses are intended to remain on the subject lands. The subject lands are currently designated in the City of Mississauga’s official plan as Mixed Use as part of the Dixie Employment Area Character Area and zoned C3 Commercial Zone (with an exception that allows additional Employment Uses) in the city’s zoning by-law 0225-2007.

The requested Zoning Order seeks to permit a long-term care home with a capacity of 128 beds on the subject lands in addition to the range of commercial and employment uses already permitted on the site including retail, service, office, hospitality and entertainment/recreation uses.

Specifically, the requested Minister’s Zoning Order seeks the following exceptions to the requirements of by-law 0225-2007 that apply to subject lands:

  • permit a long-term care home with a capacity of 128 beds, in addition to:
  • any lawfully existing uses, buildings or structures
  • all retail, service, office, hospitality and entertainment/recreation uses permitted in the C3 Commercial Zone of By-law 0225-2007
  • accessory uses, buildings or structures that are related to and support the principle uses on the lands, and
  • all residential uses, save the long-term care home, permitted in the RA2 Apartment Zone of Zoning By-law 0225-2007 shall only be permitted through a zoning by-law amendment pursuant to section 34 of the Planning Act.

As well, the requested Minister’s Zoning Order asks for exceptions to the requirements of the City of Mississauga’s Zoning By-law 0225-2007 including maximum height (to permit 5 storeys) and interior yard setback of the Long-Term Care facility, the separation between buildings, minimum landscape area, and vehicular and bicycle parking spaces.

The City of Mississauga requested the Minister to use his enhanced authorities pursuant to clauses 47(4.3)(a) and (b) of the Planning Act to remove site plan approval and require the landowner enter into one or more agreements with the City of Mississauga dealing with matters listed in subsection 47(4.4) of the Act on the subject lands.

This zoning order was requested because the current designation does not permit the proposed long-term care home. While the adopted City of Mississauga Official Plan Amendment No. 141 proposed to remove the lands from the Dixie Employment Area Character Area and redesignate to allow for residential uses within the Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area, it is under appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal

To help ensure decisions are made in a transparent manner and support government priorities, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) is seeking feedback on whether this request should be considered and any additional information that may help inform a decision. In particular, any potential environmental risks, financial impacts on the municipality or implications for other approved developments and how these can be mitigated.

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M7A 2J3

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Municipal Services Office - Central Ontario

16th floor
777 Bay Street
Toronto, ON
M7A 2J3

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Municipal Services Office - Central Ontario

16th floor
777 Bay Street
Toronto, ON
M7A 2J3

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