So, just to understand…

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So, just to understand correctly, we bring in Drive Clean Program to help reduce smog and pollution and try to keep Dirty vehicles from getting back on the roads,
Then you pull the program.... "because you don't think we need it?"

What is to stop people from NOT repairing their dreaded "Engine Light On" in the Future and removing or modifying their car to give them more Horsepower and Louder Straight through exhaust systems? (oh ya, nobody does that do they?) How about that person that needs a "Winter Beater" Just to run for the winter while their other car is in storage? (oh ya, they really wants to keep this thing running in great shape), or the person that just never wants to give up (or can not afford) to get another vehicle, who cares if the car lets off some smoke, a little here, a little there, it doesn't matter anymore come April 1 2019!

I feel the Program was working in a lot more ways then you know!

-Keeps cars coming in for service and some times quick check overs (for safety) as well
-Helps the New and Used Car dealers to sell vehicles (when your old smoker is too much to repair) get the junk off the roads!
-Helps small to big shops stay busy to help keep vehicles running clean! And if they find other safety issues
-Helps people keep their big investment running smoother and get better fuel mileage.

But this all STOPS April 1, 2019, meaning:
-That oil change and service can now wait,
-That noise in the exhaust ... later when it gets louder or falls off,
-That thumping sound in the front end.... next time I'm at a shop I'll get it looked at,
-And maybe the brakes to...
-That Engine Light ON?!? Oh-NO! Don't Worry about it, Car still Runs and we don't have Emissions Test any more, put some black tape over it like the old days! or just pull the bulb!

All this to save the Tax People $30 bucks every two years...... But Go ahead and Jack up the price at the pumps which cost us a LOT more then $30

...Because YOU don't think we need it!