Restoring Ontario's…

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Restoring Ontario's competitiveness? When did we lose it? If attracting businesses to Ontario was this government's concern, one of its first moves in office would not have been to cancel billions of dollars worth of green energy initiatives. One of those initiatives involved Tesla whose CEO just this morning stated that he was interested in purchasing the recently closed GM plants. Do you think he'll consider Oshawa after personally witnessing this government's commitment to contracts? This government's political interference and instability was also cited as the cause of the collapse of the Hydro One-Avista deal. These do not look like the actions of a government that is interested in attracting business to Ontario. Just the opposite, in fact.

The regulations that Bill 66 will overturn are not "inefficient, inflexible or out of date". They are merely inconvenient to a government whose displays of cronyism already foreshadow the plans for our Greenbelt. This government has already demonstrated its commitment to the environment by firing Ontario's Chief Science Officer, cancelling Ontario's cap and trade program, getting rid of environmental oversight and, until recently, having absolutely no plan in place to respond to the global climate crisis. Based on the above and on the quality of the plan released last week, it is clear to me that the best interests of the land and its inhabitants is not a concern for this government.

What I find most telling about this government's plan to attract businesses is that it is a plan that debases the province, that ceases to protect her or even hold her up as something that should be treated with care, or pride. This government appears to think so little of this province that it believes putting her at risk is the only way to attract business.