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Please find below comments on the draft Province-wide Cycling Network.

1.The earlier version of the Provincial Cycling Network included a secondary route through the Town of Whitby, which was approved for funding under the Ontario Municipal Cycling Infrastructure Program (OMCIP) and is included in the Town of Whitby Cycling and Leisure Trails Plan (2010). It is recommended that this route form a part of the primary provincial cycling network for the following reasons: a.This route connects the Waterfront Trail and Greenbelt Cycling Routes, on cycling infrastructure installed to OTM Book 18 standards. Following 2017 there will be a single remaining section (750m) on Cochrane Street between Ferguson Street and Bonacord Avenue (planned for urbanization/widening with cycling facilities in 2018). b.Includes safe crossings of Highway 401 at Henry Street and Highway 407 at Ashburn Road – major barriers that limit north-south routes. c.This route connects directly to the Whitby GO Station offering opportunities for cycling tourism. d.This route connects Heber Down Conservation Area and was developed in coordination with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA). Heber Down Conservation Area is 284 hectares of conservation area that preserves a portion of the significant Iroquois Beach physiographic unit and offers a variety of recreation activities such as: fishing, nature walks and picnicking.

2.Please confirm the funding arrangement that is proposed between the Provincial Government and responsible municipal government agencies as it relates to the installation and maintenance (seasonal and reconstruction) for the cycling facilities along the Provincial Cycling Network? a.Does this arrangement differ if the facilities are on-road, in-boulevard or trails not associated with a road right-of-way?

3.The draft Provincial Cycling Network within Durham Region does not align with the approved Regional Cycling Plan, Durham Region, November 2012 and the approved City of Oshawa Active Transportation Master Plan – Cycling Network, March 2015.

4.The draft Provincial Cycling Network should consider an alternative east-west connection that is not located along the Waterfront Trail and/or Greenbelt Cycling Route (rural). The Waterfront Trail and Greenbelt Cycling Route (rural aras) are challenging to access due to the presence of Highway 401 and Highway 407, with limited safe cycling crossing opportunities. It is recommended that at a minimum, another east-west route along Taunton Road be included which to the west turns into Steeles Avenue. This route would provide recreation and commuter options as it is located within the current urban built environment in Durham Region and City of Toronto.

[Original Comment ID: 209449]