Schedule 10 in Bill 66…

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Schedule 10 in Bill 66 should be removed because it is in direct conflict with many previously implemented environmental Acts such as Clean Water Act, Planning Act, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, Great Lakes Protection Act, Lake Simcoe Protection Act, and Toxics Reduction Act. If the purpose of the bill is to generate profits, think of the world-wide precious drinking water it is threatening instead; if the implementation of the bill is to enhance economic cooperations through new campaigns, think of the reputed recognition Canada and particularly Ontario has received upon our responsibility in caring for nature; if the impact of the bill is to be imagined positive to the employment market, think of the tourists attracted to Ontario by our fascinating natural landscapes which are very likely to be found disappointingly polluted as years fly by.
Therefore, to accept such a bill would be to “facilitate sprawling and unchecked development”, to threaten “sensitive natural features and water resources upon which we all rely”, to put previous “community input and strong leadership from governments of all political stripes” in waste, and to “sidestep laws and policies intended to protect the long-term health and resilience of our communities”.