Schedule 3: Risking the…

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Schedule 3: Risking the lives of children is an incompetent way of providing affordable child care.

Schedule 5: The repeal of the Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 and the removal of the toxics reduction plan is careless as the Federal Chemicals Management Plan does not go far enough to protect our environment.

Schedule 8: The streamlining of administrative requirements for operators of long-term care homes must not be in the name of creating more profit. Our elderly are more important than profit.

Schedule 10: I am not in favour of any new economic development tool which removes thoughtful consideration in planning decisions. New developments on green fields are a travesty that must be avoided. Ontario has already lost too many interconnected ecosystems and we should be doing everything in our power to reconnect remaining habitats while improving our communities with mixed-use intelligent density including low and midrise housing since not everyone is able to manage the maintenance of a single-family home, including our elderly.